At the very beginning of the pandemic, I somehow came across a podcast episode that introduced me to a person who’s become my favorite thinker/teacher at this time (and up there in my top favorite thinkers/teachers of all time).
I have never before gone to the podcast app and typed in somebody’s name and then proceeded to listen to every podcast they’ve ever been on.
My family can’t even get me to watch a 3-minute video they text, so listening to hours of content is highly unusual for me…but this person is that good.
I have wanted to email you about this person so many times, but I was patiently waiting (actually, I was persistently nudging his team) so that we could interview him ourselves and craft a conversation to serve you.
When Mike and I sat down to plan our final episodes of The Kate & Mike Show, this person was the only guest we felt our show would be incomplete without having had on.
And I can tell you, he was worth the wait.
Today, I bring you a conversation with a man who’s helped me feel profoundly calm and safe during a time in our history when there are a lot of forces pushing in the direction of fear.
And he’s affirmed the deep trust I already had in the innate intelligence of nature and how it can be our guide to true healing and collective evolution in our businesses, bodies, communities, and lives.
I couldn’t be more thrilled to be sharing what I think is possibly the most important conversation we’ve ever had on The Kate & Mike Show with you today.
In this conversation with Zach Bush, MD, which was 2 hours of intellectual ecstasy for me, you’ll learn:
- Why the mainstream narrative that we’re hearing about the pandemic is missing the mark and what 30+ years of data shows us is actually going on
- What viruses actually are and how they’re critical for our health, survival, and even for our thriving
- Why the conversation about either being pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine is completely missing the mark and the new paradigm about immunity that will lead to true health and resilience
- About the fact that we’re experiencing an extinction event and what we can do about it
- A “hit you between the eyes” perspective on the upcoming election that might push your buttons but also shake you out of a complacent slumber and get you into purposeful action
- The crucial information about flu season that you’re never going to hear on the news
- How to take hold of the hope embedded in all of this and use it to heal your body and the world using alignment with 3 key elements of life
Listen in and allow yourself to stay open to ideas and evidence that’s different from what you may have believed up until this point.

In This Episode
- How Zach realized he had been going down the wrong path 10 years ago – and what he decided to do instead [15:95]
- The monumental paradigm shift in science that is happening right now [28:37]
- Whether or not COVID-19 is a “disease”, plus an analogy to help us understand what is really going on [38:13]
- The impact of our toxic planet on the aging process [46:37]
- What are the biggest risk factors to your health right now, and whether or not Zach believes that the pandemic was planned [49:05]
- Why a failure to reproduce is such a danger to the human race [58:47]
- Something that could happen in the next 20 years which “terrifies” Zach [79:05]
- Where we can find true beauty in this world [82:15]
- His thoughts on vaccines and immunity, and why being “anti-vax” isn’t the answer [86:16]
- Who, if anyone, in government is actually looking out for us and his thoughts on the political landscape in the United States [91:34]
- What we can do to be part of the solution, along with Zach’s best advice for the parents of today [1:08:22]
Selected Links from the Episode
Kate’s Free Experience, Right Thing, Right Time (starting on the New Moon September 17th) Ask Kate & Mike Anything! Build A Thriving Digital Course Biz – Get The Free Cheat Sheet & Podcast Playlist! Order the Paperback Version of Do Less (and Get Access to the Book Club + Bonuses)! Get Your I’m Not Here To Please You T-Shirt!It’s Time For B-School! To Sign Up and Get Our Incredible Bonuses, Click Here!
Do Less Physical Planner Waitlist Join The Do Less Facebook Group Get Kate’s Free Do Less Weekly Planner Ready To Uplevel Your Business? Sign Up For The FREE MasterclassSign up for Kate’s Free Workshop, Spacious: 3 Proven Time Management Strategies Every Female Entrepreneur Needs Now
Get On Kate’s Mailing List (and get the Weekly Planning Ritual Guide)
Her First Book, Money: A Love Story & The Money Love Course Enrollment For Origin ®& Mastermind/Incubator Waitlist
Zach’s Website & Projects Change.Org Petition for Healthy Childhood Immunity and Vaccination
Zach on The Rich Roll Podcast
Episode 194: How (and Why) to Love Your Opponent with Valarie Kaur, author of See No Stranger Global Population Counter Patagonia IG Post About Race, COVID, and Air Pollution
Connect with Kate, Mike & Zach on Instagram!
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