Episode 200: Equitable, Accessible True Health Solutions with Zach Bush, MD

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Our first episode with Zach Bush, MD, “The Solution to the Pandemic You Won’t Find in the Mainstream,” has been downloaded 4x more than any previous episode we’ve ever done. We also received some important feedback that we’d missed the mark in going deep enough about the disparity with which COVID-19 is affecting the Black community. We are always listening and wanting to do better, and we knew the criticism was valid. We also knew we wanted to move toward repair, so we asked Dr. Zach to come back for a follow-up interview to unpack the conversation around health solutions (not disease care solutions) that are accessible and equitable related to COVID-19, overall immunity, and optimal health. He was more than willing, so we sat down and recorded, and here it is. Thank you to everyone in our community who took the time to write in, whether your feedback was a rave review of the original episode or an important critique. We’re so grateful to be learning and growing alongside you.

Equitable, Accessible True Health Solutions with Zach Bush, MD

In This Episode

  • How the biggest learning opportunities can happen when we truly listen to others [6:47]
  • The impact of racial bias, and the programming we need to free ourselves from [8:39]
  • What’s behind the wide coronavirus racial disparity gap [18:18]
  • What Zach says about increasing rates of autism in the upcoming years [33:09]
  • The ways people of color living in northern climates can be supported [35:37]
  • Exciting projects he has in the works around regenerative food systems [41:24]
  • Culture versus behavior – plus what happens when we lose our sense of place [47:18]
  • How we can reframe the “empires” of the world and the shifts needed from a health perspective to do so [53:44]
  • Why we all need to be grateful for what never provides, and how we can do it [62:24]
  • Zach’s big ideas to mobilize capital in order to change the dialogue on immunity [64:54]

Selected Links from the Episode

Kate’s Free Experience, Right Thing, Right Time (starting on the New Moon September 17th) Build A Thriving Digital Course Biz – Get The Free Cheat Sheet & Podcast Playlist! Order the Paperback Version of Do Less (and Get Access to the Book Club + Bonuses)! Get Your I’m Not Here To Please You T-Shirt!

It’s Time For B-School! To Sign Up and Get Our Incredible Bonuses, Click Here!

Do Less Physical Planner Waitlist Join The Do Less Facebook Group Get Kate’s Free Do Less Weekly Planner Ready To Uplevel Your Business? Sign Up For The FREE Masterclass

Sign up for Kate’s Free Workshop, Spacious: 3 Proven Time Management Strategies Every Female Entrepreneur Needs Now

Get On Kate’s Mailing List  (and get the Weekly Planning Ritual Guide)

Her First Book, Money: A Love Story & The Money Love Course Enrollment For Origin ®& Mastermind/Incubator Waitlist Episode 198: The Solution to the Pandemic You Won’t Find in the Mainstream with Zach Bush, MD

Zach’s Website (Watch Here For The Exciting Announcements He Mentions In This Episode)

Farmer’s Footprint Website & Instagram Episode 189: How to Scientifically Break Racial Bias with Anu Gupta APM Research Lab Study on COVID Deaths by Race Patagonia IG Post About Race, COVID, and Air Pollution Vaxxed: from Cover-Up to Catastrophe AutismOne Mirna Valerio on The Rich Roll Podcast Carbon Cowboys

Connect with Kate, Mike & Zach on Instagram!

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