There’s a pattern so many of us have been indoctrinated into that’s depleting our bodies, our relationships, our planet, our innovation, and even our productivity.
What makes it so insidious is that we’re celebrated for it, and many of us spend our whole lives in a reward loop that affirms a behavior that’s not doing us any favors.
The addiction?
Alcohol addiction, drug addiction, sex addiction, shopping addiction, gambling addiction, and more are recognized as problematic behaviors for which treatment and healing can and should be sought.
Overwork, however?
We just throw each other a parade for that.
Today on the podcast Mike and I are talking about our collective obsession with work and how it’s killing us on multiple levels.
If you suspect that your addiction to work is holding you back in more ways than one, you’re gonna want to listen in.
This episode is likely going to get under your skin in a way that’s simultaneously uncomfortable and necessary.
And just in case you think we’re being righteous on our “we’ve already figured this thing out” high horses, we’re not.
We share our recent foibles with slipping back into overwork and how we tend to those old patterns on a daily basis so that they don’t get the better of our souls.
Can’t wait to hear how this one lands with you.

In This Episode
- What Kate’s journey around planning has looked like [12:20]
- You are not alone – how Kate gets and gives support to others [21:18]
- Why she loves scheduling so much [25:23]
- How our culture celebrates workaholism, and how we can fix this [26:15]
- The way that Mike’s relationship with work has evolved [31:23]
- Whether or not you can make good money, enjoy your work and make an impact all at the same time [42:25]
- The state we need to be in to create our best work [44:54]
- How the current systems set up in society promote workaholism [49:36]
- What distracts us from being in our flow state [53:08]
- Saving the human race will require this [64:30]
Selected Links from the Episode
Join Kate’s Free Overworker’s Recovery Meeting Workshop (Happening July 14th, 2020) Get The Egg Wisdom Necklace Order the Paperback Version of Do Less (and Get Access to the Book Club + Bonuses)! Get Your I’m Not Here To Please You T-Shirt!It’s Time For B-School! To Sign Up and Get Our Incredible Bonuses, Click Here!
Do Less Physical Planner Waitlist Join The Do Less Facebook Group Get Kate’s Free Do Less Weekly Planner Ready To Uplevel Your Business? Sign Up For The FREE MasterclassSign up for Kate’s Free Workshop, Spacious: 3 Proven Time Management Strategies Every Female Entrepreneur Needs Now
Get On Kate’s Mailing List (and get the Weekly Planning Ritual Guide)
Her First Book, Money: A Love Story & The Money Love Course Enrollment For Origin ®& Mastermind/Incubator Waitlist
Kate’s Forbes Article, How To Get A Full Day’s Work In When You Have Kids At Home
Episode 187: How to Plan When You Can’t Plan Do Less Book Club (YouTube) Episode 148: Masterminds: 6 Reasons You Need One, Where to Find the Right One, and/or How to Create Your OwnDr. Elizabeth Cohen’s Article, Do You Avoid Feelings by Over-Working?
Kevin Hart’s Netflix Series
Bill Gate’s Netflix Series
The Calling by Rha Goddess
Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
The Nap Ministry (on Instagram)Kate’s Courses, The Freedom of the Feminine & A Course in Having Enough
Connect with Kate & Mike Instagram!
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