I had the pleasure of meeting the fabulous, talented, and completely adorable Will Blunderfield in Vancouver when he sang prior to my mom’s talk at the Queen Elizabeth Theater this past November. I was immediately struck by his amazing voice and his sparkling sense of humor so I checked out one of his yoga classes later on that week. I usually am really not into hot yoga, but his personality, wit, and singing swept me right through that 104 degree hour with flying colors and a big smile. In addition to being a phenomenal yoga teacher, Will also has a major record deal and is heading out on a world tour! He has some really insightful things to say about self doubt and how to love your life so I was happy to steal a few minutes with him on my roof (probably my last rooftop Glimpse TV episode) last week on a trip to NYC.
Tune in to find out about how to rest in your work, why I consider myself an honorary Canadian, something called trembling that made Will fall in love with yoga, and to see a special surprise at the end :).
More Will:
www.willblunderfield.com www.facebook.com/willblunderfield @wblunderfieldWhere in your life are you playing small? Where are you playing big?
What is the thing that you do that allows you to feel that you’re “resting in your work”?
Other thoughts/comments? Will and I would love to hear from you!
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