Today we’re joined by Origin™’s resident astrologer and the founder of the Lunar Logic Revolution, Jennifer Racioppi! Jennifer is our go-to when it comes to all things astrology and how it can be applied to our lives. We’ve trusted Jennifer’s wisdom for natal chart readings, composite astrology readings and even to help lay out our launches.
In this episode we talk about how to manifest what we want using lunar cycles and what Jennifer learned going through the experience of having cancer (twice!) by the age of 20. We also discuss what’s going on politically in our world, how to prepare and lead, the concept of “skillful means” and so much more!

In This Episode
- So…what is astrology? [6:20]
- Jennifer’s first big success with manifesting [11:59]
- What drove her to studying and using astrology [16:57]
- What “skillfull means” is all about [17:42]
- How our resiliency is activated [20:43]
- The sun, the moon, the zodiac signs & cycles explained [28:17]
- Rituals for the waning moon and full moon [38:22]
- Ways business owners can use the lunar cycles [43:04]
- What happens when the moon is void [46:20]
- Are we going to be ok? [48:47]
- Basics to self-care & why we need to take some risks [56:24]
- How to speak to difficulty – with tack [59:40]
Selected Links from the Episode
Jennifer’s Website, Instagram & Facebook
Kate’s Sustainable Success Workshop
Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals by Jamie Sams
What Happened by Hillary Clinton
Unbelievable by Katy Tur
The Servant as Leader by Robert Greenleaf
Soul CampPeople Mentioned
Dr. Christiane Northrup Louise Hay Sara Avant Stover Alisa Vitti James WedmorePodcast Details