In this episode, we share the five questions that you want to ask yourself before any launch. Be sure to tune in next week, when we’ll dive into our most successful launch that just finished and give listeners an inside look at how we did it!

Selected Links from the Episode
Show Notes
- What exactly is “launching”? [0:54]
- The company that Mike watches whenever they bring a new product to the market [1:30]
- How to decide on what to offer your audience [3:13]
- Kate considers this the “make or break” moment in a launch [4:05]
- Why you need to be very specific when naming your course or product [5:10]
- What’s a promotion schedule, when do you do it and why is it needed? [8:40]
- The importance of giving yourself more lead time before a launch than you think you’ll need [14:00]
- A launch doesn’t have to be complicated; you can do just this one thing…[16:30]
- The Facebook ads you are drawn to can help you with your own launch [17:25]
- The most important part of all of this is delivering your content to the customer [23:07]
- Why you don’t need to obsess over being perfect [24:02]
- After the launch, it’s all about keeping people engaged in your community [28:17]
- “Launch withdrawal” will happen and you really need to navigate this for yourself when deciding what’s next [30:20]
People Mentioned
Marie ForleoJames Wedmore
Eban Pagan
Gabby Bernstein
Podcast Details