Episode 16: Our Top 7 Favorite Lessons and Moments From 2016

2016 was both a great (and challenging!) year in so many ways for us, and on today’s show we share our top lessons and moments from the past 12 months. As well, we also talk about some very exciting projects coming up soon – so stay tuned!


In this Episode

  • Why Kate, her mom and her sister stopped giving each other Christmas gifts (and an exercise you can do too) [3:40]
  • What are “favorite frames” and how can they help you digest and experience life? [4:51]
  • In 2016, Mike learned that he is a great dad [6:16]
  • In order to step into the next level in their business, Kate and Mike realized that have to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their teachers [9:30]
  • A “line in the sand” moment from 2016 [9:50]
  • You don’t have to wait for someone else to create a sacred moment for transformation [12:00]
  • After their “turning pro” moment, things initially got a lot harder [13:00]
  • It’s so funny how the human form is developed [18:25]
  • Kate’s powerful decision to do something completely for her [19:40]
  • When it comes to people who your child loves and who love your child, the more the merrier! [22:20]
  • Having a child added greatness, but also complicated, their lives [23:09]
  • How Mike got inspired to get into Crossfit and what he’s learned from it [24:30]
  • Learning to let go, from a leadership perspective, and what it can do [28:40]
  • The emergence of Kate’s overall mission and guiding vision [30:20]


Selected Links from the Episode

Do Less Experiment

Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield


People Mentioned

Regina Thomashauer Sophia Amoruso Danielle LaPorte
Radhe Agarwal

Podcast Details



  • Beth

    Hi Kate and Mike! I’m a regular listener, and I look forward to each episode every week! I’m from a tiny town in Montana. I’m a high school English teacher, not an entrepreneur, but I still find your stories, guests, and advice very interesting and helpful. In particular, I’m excited to jump on board with the ‘Do Less’ experiment. I want to see how doing less in my classroom, and focusing instead on the skills that really matter, might improve my students’ learning experience as well as my teaching experience.

    Thanks for all the good work you do!

    • Kate Northrup

      That is such a cool application of the Do Less idea. Please report back on how it goes! I’d love to hear what your students think! And thanks for listening!

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