Back in 2012, Mike and I were living in a drafty rental on Long Island figuring out how to live and work together. (Oh wait. Still trying to figure that out, minus the draftiness.)
Over lunch at a little golf course cafe, we came up with an idea to give our community something they’d been asking for: access to my methodology on falling in love with your money.
Here’s the problem: The methodology was alive and well inside my head and in the manuscript I was working on, but it didn’t live anywhere else yet.
I’d taught some of it live before and I’d lived all of it, but I didn’t have proof that people would get out their credit cards and spend money to learn it yet.
So, we decided to open the doors to The Money Love Course before the course had even been created.
We had a list that was less than 10% of the size it is now.
We had never created a course before, and I’d only ever taken one digital course before.
We had never sold anything of our own online.
We didn’t have any fancy tech knowledge or equipment.
I had a lot of doubt as to whether or not what I had to share was valuable enough to sell because I’d only ever taught this material before for free.
But we thought, “Well, what the heck? The worst-case scenario is that no one buys and then we’re no worse off than we are right now.”
So we went for it.
And you know what? We made $20,000 in that one week, promoting a course that didn’t even exist yet.
There are a lot of things that hold people back from getting started creating digital courses:
I don’t know what I’m doing.
Who do I think I am to be charging people for my knowledge and expertise?
I’m not techy.
I have a very small (or non-existent) audience.
I’m a solo show and I have tons of other things to do. I don’t have time for this!
Well, in today’s episode of The Kate & Mike Show we’re taking you behind the scenes back to 7 years ago when we got started with digital courses, and you’ll hear:
- How we knew it was the right time to create a digital course
- The incredibly simple setup of our first course launch and delivery
- What we did to eventually create $123,000 with the launch of that same course
- How we set up an automated system to bring in up to $50,000/month of recurring revenue from that same course, which helped us immensely during our first year of parenthood
- How a friend of ours took our same plan and turned it into £18,000 within a week

In This Episode
- Why creating a digital course doesn’t have to be so complicated [5:20]
- What offering digital courses has done for our life and business [8:50]
- How we launched it – and what pushed us to do so [16:35]
- Launching in 2012 versus today [22:45]
- What’s possible if you’re just starting out and our tips for sharing your message with others [25:15]
- The results and lessons we took from our first live launch [32:50]
- What it looked like to move to an evergreen system [35:48]
- A word of caution when buying digital courses [51:20]
- Why we think Amy Porterfield is one of the (if not “the”) best teachers in the online space today [54:00]
Selected Links from the Episode
Get the Do Less, Achieve More Digital Course Academy Bonus Bundle!
Apply For Our Mastermind (Limited Spots Available)Join Kate & Mike on the August Podcast Listening Adventure
Sign up for Kate’s Free Workshop, Spacious: 3 Proven Time Management Strategies Every Female Entrepreneur Needs Now Order Kate’s New Book!
Her First Book, Money: A Love Story & The Money Love Course Get On The Waitlist For Origin® Sign Up For The B-School Waitlist Ontraport & The Other Products We Love Episode 150: The Surprising Secrets Behind Digital Course Creation and How to Create a Profitable “Do Less” Business with Them with Amy Porterfield Episode 93: Gina Gomez: Critical Thinking & Difficult Conversations
Kimberly Ann Johnson’s Course, Activate Your Inner Jaguar
Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula
Stories That Stick by Kindra Hall
Connect with Kate & Mike on Instagram!
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