Sometimes Mike and I record podcasts after we’ve put the girls to bed, which for us is late, late at night.
We’re talking 7:30 or 8pm. Woah.
While I’m my brightest and most focused first thing in the morning (because that’s the springtime of the day and springtime energy is my time), some really fun stuff comes out at night.
The banter is better. I’m unplugged. My guard is down. I’m punchy. I say things I wouldn’t say when caffeinated.
This week’s podcast is one of these late, late show episodes, and we talked about:
- Our top tip for making speaking gigs way less scary
- How we overcame our resistance (or more my resistance) to speaking together and what I learned about how sometimes I’m wrong
- How to work in tandem with your cycle even if your cycle is making it inconvenient to do the work you need to get done
- A really exciting event we have that’s starting TODAY
In This Episode
- Our recent overnight Maine adventure [4:57]
- The focus of the Austin speaking gig we did together [8:51]
- How we structured our talk and best practices for doing a project together [15:22]
- A public speaking tip from Kate [18:10]
- Powerful stories from the speakers on Mike’s panel [20:40]
- Why we’re so excited to be offering the upcoming live workshop [26:45]
- What it’s about – and who it’s really for [29:17]
- The different ways we’re empowering our girls [34:22]
- What connecting with the right people will do for you, and them [37:21]
- How you can support The Kate & Mike Show! [41:02]
Selected Links from the Episode
Order Kate’s New Book!Kate’s First Book, Money: A Love Story
Get On The Origin ® Waitlist! BirthFit Episode 107: Getting to Hell Yes with Alex Jamieson and Bob GowerStories That Stick by Kindra Hall
Silver Linings PodcastConnect with Kate & Mike on Instagram!
People Mentioned
Sal Masekela Aydian Dowling Deb Kern Jenna Kutcher Farnoosh Torabi Brandi Sellers-Jackson Jennifer PastiloffPodcast Details