Episode 10: The Real Reason You’re Avoiding Outsourcing

In this episode, we share how both of our upbringings have affected our views on outsourcing, why hoarding resources and not hiring someone else is robbing them of the opportunity to step into their greatness and the real reasons why we try to do everything ourselves.


In this Episode

So here’s what we’ll cover in this week’s episode:

  • People look at doing things themselves as a “badge of honor” [5:35]
  • Because of her upbringing, Kate’s been wired to outsource [7:48]
  • “Assisted Living” is about making the choice not to do certain things [9:00]
  • By hoarding resources, we prevent others from stepping into their greatness [10:20]
  • Apps can now be used in the outsourcing process [13:45]
  • In the beginning, we did EVERYTHING in our business [17:25]
  • If you’re short on time, there’s probably something you can do now about it [18:05]
  • Here are a few simple questions you can ask about outsourcing [19:13]
  • Mike’s role in the business changed, leaving him to question his purpose [27:10]
  • A lot of us were raised to think we need to work hard to be valuable [27:38]
  • Often we stay busy to avoid being with ourselves [29:40]
  • Trusting someone else to do it is empowering [32:25]
  • What are the different zones we operate in? [40:50]
  • Having “white space” allows you to step into your zone of genius [43:45]
  • Not outsourcing is a symptom of our fear of greatness [44:00]
  • The answer to what you need to create lies in who you envy [46:00]

Selected Links from the Episode

TaskRabbit Episode 6: Behind the Scenes of our Most Successful Launch to Date Design Pickle “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks “Flow” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


People Mentioned

Tony Robbins

Podcast Details



  • Liz

    Really enjoyed this podcast.

  • Phenomenal. I love you guys because you are so damn relatable and real. AND … while the discussion on outsourcing was on point as always (and perfect timing for me), my husband has the same fat thing but it is on his back. He shares the love of being a former weed lover and cross fit addict. So truly, thank you for talking about that. We are going to chat fat tonight and how that is representative of a blocked power source! LOVE!! And I am no longer feeling guilty about the new house cleaner coming this morning! Thanks guys!!! I listen for business, but it is all interwoven! XO

  • LOVE the last bit of the podcast – thank you for this amazing insight Kate. I think this is the truth that I have been scared to confront cos really being “busy” means not thinking about my own shit or recognising what I have been putting off out of fear.
    You mentioned a book at the end which isn’t mentioned in the show notes. Could you add it please as I would love to explore this some more.
    Thank you,

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