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Episode 1: Kate & Mike: A Love Story – How We Met & Ended Up Doing Life & Business Together

In this very first episode of The Kate & Mike Show, we share with listeners what this show is all about, and why we started it. We give our thoughts on what success truly is, and take a look back at how we both met and the leaps of faith that both of us had to take to get to where we are today!


Selected Links from the Episode

Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
The Life Purpose App by Dan Millman
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Experience Life Magazine

Show Notes

  • What is this podcast going to be about? [1:46]
  • Mike’s definition of a successful person is __________ [2:52]
  • Make a life, not just a living [3:38]
  • When pursuing someone to date, find something of common interest and follow on it (dating and sales are very similar)! [9:14]
  • Their first official date and how it tied into marketing and niching [13:20]
  • Kate’s intuition told her to invite Mike on a trip across the country [17:55]
  • As a woman in the dating world, leaning back more will allow you to be more in your feminine energy [24:00]
  • Sometimes you just have to come out and tell the truth of what you really want [27:10]
  • Everything in life, even relationships, are a game [30:05]
  • “Burning your bridges” is a cool idea, but getting a full-time job while you build your business is completely acceptable [40:50]
  • Even though a leap of faith doesn’t always turn out the way you thought it would, it always turns out [45:15]

People Mentioned

Tim Ferriss
Robert Kiyosaki
Nicole Daedone
Kelly Turner

Podcast Details



  • Ann Moller aka Annie

    Hi guys! I loved this first episode. Such a wonderful story of love and taking risks. It was touching and also quite funny – and that’s coming from someone who already knows most of the story :) It was a treat to hear some layers that were new to me, as well.

    To answer your question, one of my leaps of faith was moving back from Maine to NYC to resume pursuing my dream career in the performing arts, which was not an easy decision with all that Maine has to offer (including my family). As you know, it hasn’t yet panned out in all the ways I wanted or planned. But I’ve definitely had significant forward movement in my career. And beyond that, SO much growth, healing, and learning–all very necessary and important for me in becoming who I am meant to be as a human and as an artist. Two years later, I’m still here, walking my path, stronger, healthier, and happier, rising like a phoenix from the ashes (a cliche but one that applies here). I don’t for one minute regret my leap of faith. It took me exactly where I needed to go next.

    Congratulations on your new podcast! I look forward to the next episodes. xoxo Annie

    • Kate Northrup

      Thank you Annie! And it’s so true – your leap of faith has lead to tremendous gifts. I applaud your tenacity and belief in yourself!

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