Daily video #1: How do you say no?

I’ve decided to start documenting The Freedom Tour with daily videos.

I’m doing this because: a) it scares me and as a general life philosophy I like to move towards things that scare me, b) I’m hoping there are some nuggets from my videos that inspire others, and c) since I’ll probably only be homeless living in a Prius traveling full time once in my life, it will be good to have some documentation.

So tune in Monday – Friday for daily nuggets from road!


Daily Video #1: How do you say no? from Kate Moller on Vimeo.


  • Lindy Bragg

    Ohhh Kate, it sounds like your Freedom Tour is full of yesses and lessons. Take time to rest. Check your gut as well as your heart when asked and know that you will always have a world full of admirers so no need to wear yourself out trying to please that world!

    Be Safe,

  • Such great lessons for us all, thanks for sharing! Hope you get some rest in AZ :) xo

  • What I loved about this video.
    1. You. So totally authentic in your exhaustion.
    2. The reminder that no is the new sexy. Thank you and no. And no. And no.
    3. The reminder to find the YES in the no. Yes to downtime. Yes to freedom. Yes to the present moment. And NO to whatever offer no matter how seductive f’s with my YES.
    4. The divine intertwining of student and teacher.
    5. You again.

  • Lisa Sanchez

    Hi Kate,

    We share the same philosophy about moving towards scary stuff…or at least we used to, I mean, I used to. As I wrote this, I starting going through the list of fears I’ve overcome: fear of heights, fear of sharing my poetry, , , ,

    Really!? That’s all I could come up with!? That explains a lot. And WOW have I been playing it safe.

    Now I’m seriously pissed off. Thank you. No, really! This is what awareness looks like and it’s the kind of mad that can move a woman to face her fears. So excuse me as I forgive myself for forgetting my fear-facing philosophy and move on…towards things that scare me.

    • Kate

      @Lisa Sanchez, Lisa! Your response is so perfect! Thank you for being so candid and for letting this video be a wake up call. Awesome. I can’t wait to hear what you do now that you’re ready to face your fears!

  • I have read your blog daily to remind myself to say no more often. I did today and it was scary and amazing all at the same time. Thank you for your encouragement!

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