The Closest Thing to Magic That I Know How to Teach

Our neighbor spied us working up a sweat, hands and feet covered in dirt, and inquired what we were up to with suspicion.

Of course we weren’t dragging a dead body around our yard, it just looked like that.

We were actually just dragging a giant pile of dirt that was wrapped up in a tarp out of the wealth and prosperity corner of our backyard.

If you haven’t heard of Feng Shui and how our spaces influence our lives, then you probably have no idea what I’m talking about.

Here’s the quick and dirty:

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement. This philosophy says that the way we arrange our exterior space (our homes, our yards, our offices) affects our lives.

I’ve been a Feng Shui practitioner since high school (even professionally for a few years in NYC) and have seen spectacular results in my own life and those of my friends, family, and clients.

Feng Shui is the closest thing to magic that I know how to teach. ~@KateNorthrup (Tweet it!)

A couple of weeks ago I noticed that when you looked out our guest bedroom window, what you saw was a nasty-looking tarp in a heap and a pile of bricks that had been flung there willy-nilly. And according to Feng Shui, our guest bedroom happens to be in the corner of our home that is associated with wealth and prosperity.

(You probably want to know where your wealth and prosperity corner is, right? Hang tight. I’m going to tell you how in a second.)

Not only was it an ugly view for our guests, it also looked like an energetic cesspool.

So I hauled my pregnant belly and my husband out there to stack the bricks in an organized, visually pleasing fashion. Then we moved the dirt/tarp burrito, spread some new soil around the area (to fertilize our prosperity) and folded the tarp nicely. I also added a pretty planter and have intentions of filling it with a beautiful plant soon.

It took us about 30 minutes all in and didn’t cost a cent.

What’s so cool about Feng Shui is that once you learn the basic principles you can use it in every single area of your home and every single area of your life. It’s not complicated. It’s not time consuming. And it doesn’t have to cost any money.

One of my favorite areas to use my Feng Shui skills is in the area of finances.

So, I put together a free video that reveals the two most common money blocks that people have in their homes and offices that are preventing prosperity from coming into their lives.
The video is simple, short, and sweet. It will teach you how to locate the wealth and prosperity area in your home.

Get access to the free Feng Shui video now.

In addition to teaching you how to locate your wealth and prosperity area, I’ll teach you the most common mistake people make in arranging their office (either at home or at work) that keeps them from using their full potential and power in making money. Plus I’ll tell you how to fix it (which shouldn’t take more than a few minutes).

Grab the free video to unblock your prosperity now.

Spending a few minutes watching this video (and then implementing what I teach you) has the potential to make massive waves in your financial life.

I’ve had people manifest unexpected checks within hours of making the adjustments I recommend in this video. The results tend to be on the spectrum of unbelievable.

Grab the video and then, in the comments below, tell me what you implemented and what your results were.

I cannot wait to hear about the miracles you create!


  • Garry

    For dragging around bodies, I recommend one of those Lee Valley smart carts. They are really well made.

  • Sara Knowles

    Yes, Feng Shui absolutely works! The prosperity corner in our home is our master bathroom. When I realized this, I became a woman on a mission, and cleaned, scrubbed and shined that thing like never before. The very week afterward my husband and I enjoyed income from three delightful surprise sources we were totally not expecting. It works! Practical magic!

  • How funny you mention these today. I cleaned up the money corner yesterday and today my husband’s paycheck was substantially bigger than usual and will be on an ongoing basis.

  • Just put these tips into action! We’re always super on top of clutter and like to live minimally so at first I was like, I’ve got this in the bag… but then I checked out my money corner. There was an eye sore that I didn’t even realize was bothering me until now AND I cleaned out my nightstand, which again was pretty empty but had some random ‘stuff’ in it that was ready for the garbage or donation {both were in the money corner area}. Next, onto the workspace! I work from home and have my desk in an adorable niche in the living room {probably a pocket for energy to stagnate tho!}. Front door is in the entry pocket to my left and balcony door is to my right when sitting at my desk facing the wall. Just pulled out the table which is on the opposite wall and seated me and my laptop now facing both doors.. and yes, I feel pretty damn powerful, like I’m waiting to meet with an important client and I’m the one in charge kind of powerful! LOVE THESE TIPS Kate!!!! Amazing way to use your gifts and jive both your talents! Thank you so much!!

  • I love this concept and would love to implement it, but am challenged because I live on a sailboat – there’s not a lot of options with regard to moving things around (clutter is not the problem – we have lots of storage and are pretty clutter free) but rearranging use of space is pretty impossible as is adjusting seating….what suggestions do you have when I have these restrictions?

  • love the video, thank you! i am packing for a move and the prosperity corner in our new home will be my office and the new headquarters of! i’m super excited to be conscious of the new set up {i must confess, i probably would have faced the window because i love looking outdoors!}. i have a fabulous desk chair but i’ll be getting a brand new sleek contemporary style desk-no clutter here. all the best with your pregnancy and birth.

  • Eve

    Total aha moment – thanks Kate :) x

    I’d forgotten about Feng Shui and checking out my wealth and prosperity corner, it’s missing a bit. What’s the best solution you’ve found for fixing this? Looking online I’ve found recommended a large mirror, odd numbers of round leaf plants and hanging a crystal.
    It’s gone 11pm in NZ, but I’m v quietly moving furniture around and giving this area a scrub and rustling up a large mirror, money tree plant and gathering my crystals :)

    In the morning will be moving my wee desk into the power position.

    It’s going to cost me just over $300NZD to do the course – if I can make double that with my changes – I’m in (hand on my heart)

    Much love to you gorgeous lady and thank you for your continued delightfulness xx

    • Kate Northrup

      The mirror is a great fix, as well as putting a round faceted crystal in the area closest to where your wealth and prosperity corner would have been. There are more fixes in the course but those two should do it!

  • marianne

    auch, my helpfull people and travel place is a cuboard under the stairs and it was full of dust and cobwebs. Cleaning it was not something I enjoyed but I did it. Funny thing is that sinds I have moved into this house two years ago I have.nt had a vacation at all.

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