12 Money Mistakes People Don’t Know They’re Making

It’s time for a little loving honesty.

Over the past 24 years that I’ve worked with people on their money stuff (🤯), I’ve noticed some patterns.

I see folks making 12 money mistakes over and over again, and they have no idea they’re making them.

Today, we’re doing a quick assessment.

Don’t worry. There’s no wrong answers here.

We’re simply going for awareness without judgment.

Once you’ve zeroed in on the problem, you’re more than halfway towards the solution (which I’m also here to help you with in my weekly emails so make sure you’re on the list!)

Read through the 12 money mistakes and take a quick note of how many of them you’re making.

See if you can do this without judgment. Becoming aware is by far the most important step for us to transform!

  1. Just trying to make more money as though more money will make all your problems dissolve. (More money is wonderful, and you get to have it. But after your basic needs are met, just adding more money without working on your relationship with money tends to amplify money problems.)
  2. Overworking. (Working more hours doesn’t necessarily mean having a better relationship with money. It’s often an avoidance strategy.)
  3. Buying random things you don’t genuinely care about (often impulsively) that leave you and your bank account feeling emptier in the end.
  4. Not investing.
  5. Lifestyle creep, aka letting your lifestyle expenses grow and cannibalize your savings and investing goals.
  6. Letting short-term gratification take away your chances for long-term gain.
  7. Only focusing on long-term gain without allowing yourself joy in the moment (like never spending any money for pleasure or feeling guilty when you do).
  8. Trying to change your money reality at the level of behavior alone without any inner work.
  9. Just working on your money mindset without healing your nervous system.
  10. Not having a money stewardship system and generally being financially disorganized.
  11. Putting your head in the sand, not knowing your numbers, financial avoidance, and vagueness.
  12. Buying into the zero-sum model.

How many of the 12 mistakes do you find yourself making?

Wanna transform your mistakes into money mastery…in a relaxed way?

Get my free Money Breakthrough Guide for your next right step 😘.

Kate Northrup is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, and mother. She has built a platform that reaches hundreds of thousands globally. Kate is committed to supporting ambitious women to light up the world without burning themselves out. She’s the author of Do Less and the Do Less Planner System creator.


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