In case you were wondering, you’re doing it right.
You’re in the perfect place at the perfect time doing the perfect thing.
You’re exactly where you should be, even if it doesn’t look the way you thought it would. {Tweet It}Your timing is perfect and elegant and everything is unfolding as it should, even if it didn’t turn out the way you thought it would.
There is no grand master plan for your life that you can screw up by making the wrong decision or missing an opportunity.
What is for you cannot pass by you. May that be salve to your ever anxious soul.
You may feel invisible right now. Trust that your invisibility is exactly the incubation you need to burst forth in a flurry of light when the time is right.
You may feel like you missed the boat. Take heart. If you missed it, it wasn’t your boat.
You may feel like you’re too late or too early. Not possible. You’re only ever on time as far as your destiny goes.
Yeah, there are a few things you wished you’d done differently. But if you had, you wouldn’t have right now, your current reality. And even if right now isn’t what you wanted, it’s leading you somewhere that you do want. You can trust that.
There isn’t a wrong choice. There’s just the choice you make.
There are an infinite number of ways your life could go. The one you choose is the right one. {Tweet It}You can’t screw it up. You can’t ruin your life. You can only live it.
So, rest easy and know: you’re doing it right.
Do you ever feel you aren’t on the right path? Do you lose sleep over getting it “right”? Whether you’ve experienced a shift in this thinking or not, I’d love to hear from you in the comments!