The number one thing I’ve heard since making the rounds on all the podcasts and launching Do Less is that people’s minds are blown by the information about cyclical living and how we have this inner blueprint for productivity that no one has ever taught you…until now.
It’s pretty straightforward if you have a normal, healthy, regular 28-day menstrual cycle, but there are so many reasons that may not be the case.
Pregnancy. Menopause. Being a man. Bleeding on the full moon. Hormonal birth control. An IUD. Breast cancer treatment. Nursing. Irregular cycles that vary between 17-43 days. PCOS. Perimenopause. Working in a corporate setting that doesn’t support this whole cyclical living thing.
Since Do Less came out, my DM’s and our inbox have been filling up with your questions about your period, the moon, and how this whole cyclical living and planning thing works for your specific situation.
So, Mike and I recorded a brand-new, incredibly meaty episode of The Kate & Mike Show to answer all of your cyclical living and planning questions.
(Well, mostly I answered your questions and then Mike asked me more.)
Here’s what we covered:
- How do you plan for your cycle if you’re pregnant, nursing, in perimenopause, or are past menopause?
- The cyclical macrocosm of pregnancy and how the trimesters align with the phases of the moon/menstrual cycle/seasons and how that may impact your creativity and productivity.
- How does this work if you’re on hormonal birth control or have an IUD?
- How do men’s cycles work? How can we support the cycles of the men in our lives? (We really got into this one and answered it a way you probably wouldn’t expect.)
- My personal, very efficient period, new moon, and full moon rituals.
- What to do when you bleed on the full moon vs. the new moon.
- How to change the timing of your cycle if you desire.
- Best practices for the luteal phase when you’re feeling prickly and low-energy.
- How do you marry your own menstrual cycle with the lunar cycle and what do you do with that information?
- And so much more!
If you’ve had questions about how your energy cycles, productivity cycles, and creativity cycles work, I’m 99% sure we covered it in this episode.
Plus, even if you don’t think you have a cyclical living question, I guarantee we’ll answer a question in this episode you didn’t even know you had.
Click here to listen in.All of us, no matter our gender expression or chromosomal makeup, are cyclical beings to one degree or another.
Working with your own unique cyclical nature is the secret to unlocking your superpowers of productivity, creativity, and renewable energy.
The key is knowing how to work with what you’ve got to be the youest you that you can be.
That’s what today’s episode will teach you.
Once you’ve listened, we want to know:
What was your biggest insight from today’s episode? Do you have more questions that we didn’t cover? How will you use what you learned in your business and life?
Leave us a comment and let us know!
I’m teaching a live webinar for the first time since January, and it’s about 3 strategies to grow your business with less work. (Hint: Applying cyclical living to your business is key and I’ll be outlining precisely how.) Sounds like something you need to know how to do, right?
Click here to grab your spot in the free class.Do whatever you need to do to make it there live because you will get WAY better results that way, but we will be sending a replay if you can’t make it.