First of all, how money is it that you get to hear from me twice today? I know. Totally.
There’s something so great about the slang phrase, “That’s so money.” See if you can use it sometime today and see how it makes you feel. I’ve gotta be honest, I don’t use it very often, but when I do, or even when I think about it, it instantly makes me feel more abundant. I’m sure I’m not the first to tell you that what we put our attention on grows, so the more we make friends with money, the more of it we’ll have. So why not trade in your boring old “rad”, “awesome”, “neat” and “cool” for “money?”
So today I’m introducing you to two of my favorite money people. Not only are they both “so money”, they’re also experts in the money arena. How much do you love a good double entendre? Obviously I do.
Adam Baker, ManVsDebt: You Vs Debt Course
First up we have Mr. Adam Baker, affectionately known as “Baker”, who writes, vlogs, teaches, and lives the philosophy:
Sell your crap. Pay off your debt. Do what you love.
Seriously. That tagline is so money. (Is it getting old yet?)
Today is the last day to enroll in Baker’s revamped and totally fabulous 6-week video course, You Vs Debt. Baker and his beautiful wife Courtney paid off $18,000 in consumer debt and then traveled the world with their precious daughter Milligan. Then they came back to the states and went on tour in an RV living the mobile lifestyle (kind of like The Freedom Tour, no?)
Baker and his family are 150% living the dream and in his course, he’ll teach you how to do the same. Here’s what I love about the course:
- it’s totally affordable (only $97)
- it’s taught by someone who’s done it already
- it takes only 15 min. a day
- it’s focused on accountability and action
- it includes a community to support you, challenge you, and cheer you on
- it’s all about FREEDOM!
Head on over to Baker’s site and check out You Vs Debt now. Enrollment closes tonight, Thursday, September 22nd so don’t sit around and think about this one. Take action now if getting out of debt is on your to do list!
Barbara Stanny, The Leading Authority on Women and Money: Sacred Success Retreat
Oh my, how I do love this money woman. I really, really do. Her gorgeous home in Port Townsend, WA has been one of my favorite, most recharging stops on The Freedom Tour. And she’s been my most important money mentor thus far. Her book and workshop Overcoming Underearning got me started on my path to financial consciousness and freedom. Thank you Stanny!
Stanny is such a loving hard ass. That’s what I love about her. She’ll tell it to you straight without the sugar coating, right from the heart.
Her newest work is something I’m also very passionate about: Sacred Success. It’s the only live seminar she’s teaching these days and the premise is SO GOOD!
Once you’ve gotten out of debt (perhaps with the help of You Vs Debt) and are on the verge of or are affluent, then what do you do? You go to Stanny’s Sacred Success Retreat to get clarity on your purpose, get the tools and support for understanding and managing your money, and get specific guidelines for stepping more fully into your power.
Barbara’s next live seminar is in the beautiful Pacific Northwest September 29 – October 2nd so don’t sit around and think about this one either. If you’re tingling reading this, go get your spot reserved now.
You can also listen to a free audio called “A Call to Greatness” from Stanny where she tells more about Sacred Success here.
All the details for the Sacred Success Retreat can be found here.
Now get going and make your life a little more money with Baker and Stanny. And then report back because I like keeping tabs on you guys. I really do.