I used to be terrified of public speaking. I barely slept because I was so anxious the summer I first started doing live USANA presentations. One time in high school I woke up unable to walk the day I had a presentation. Coincidence? I think not.
While I was on The Freedom Tour Danielle LaPorte suggested I go see Gail Larsen for her Transformational Speaking Immersion weekend in Santa Fe. I was eyeballs deep in grappling with my fear about writing Money: A Love Story and crafting a new life for myself. I figured, why not face the speaking fear head-on right along with all the others? Plus, if DLP says to do something, I’m pretty much in every time.
So Mike and I drove from Scottsdale, AZ to Santa Fe, NM and I met Gail. And I was indeed transformed by the weekend.
Here’s what I love about Gail: she’s incredibly sweet and simultaneously fierce as all get-out. She has a profound a way of eliciting one’s true message, or medicine, as she calls it. When I showed up for the weekend I was still totally unclear about what I wanted to say. To be honest, I was pretty unclear whether I even had anything worth saying.
Gail taught me how to tune in to the wisdom of my body and access my “home zone” to tell my story. Working with Gail gave me permission to show up exactly as I was, warts and all, and tell the truth.
She helped me trust my voice.
She helped me see that I have a message that’s important.
She helped me know that I am enough.
While I still get nervous each and every time I step out onstage, I now know how to be true to myself and my message while riding the wave of emotion. I have Gail to thank for a new level of freedom.
To celebrate Gail’s launch of her new program, Transformational Speaking Online, I invited her to be a guest on Glimpse TV.
If you have a fear of public speaking, have ever struggled with self-doubt, or could use some guidance about coming home to yourself, tune in to our episode below.
Be sure you watch until the end, where Gail makes me cry with her articulation of why each of our voices is crucial on the planet.
Fear is excitement without the breath. ~Fritz Perls via Gail Larsen (Click to TweeT)
Want more Gail in your life?
To learn more about Transformational Speaking Online, click HERE.
Over to you:
Have you ever experienced a fear of public speaking? What did you do to move past it? Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences!