I’m so excited to share my mom’s newest book and her first book written for children, Beautiful Girl: Celebrating the Wonders of Your Body.
This book is designed for little girls to learn how magical and perfect their bodies are. And it’s also designed for women of all ages to be reminded.
At some point within the first few years of being born, you knew you were completely beautiful and lacking in nothing. Then, if you’re anything like 99.9% of women out there, you forgot somewhere along the way.
I was so happy to interview my mom for the latest episode of Glimpse TV to chat about how women relate to their bodies, how we can improve our relationships with our bodies, and how we can help the little girls in our lives love themselves.
Watch the video below to tune in to our conversation.
Then, go grab your copy of Beautiful Girl.
Everyone who purchases the book will get a free pass to attend a 2-hour live online event on Thursday, January 24th where I’ll be joining my mom and my sister Ann. The event will be lead by my mom, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and is entitled Feeling Beautiful.
In the comments below please tell us about your relationship with your body and one thing you’re going to begin doing to love yourself more and inspire the little girls in your life to do the same.
P.S. Speaking of learning to love your body, have you joined the party over at TheFoxyBod.com yet? I’m sending an email inviting only the people on that list to an exclusive webinar I’m doing tonight at 8pm EST. You won’t want to miss it so be sure to join the list at www.thefoxybod.com now so you won’t miss the announcement later on this afternoon.