They were so juicy and yummy together. Hanging out with them made me feel like a more loving person. Their love rubbed off on the people around them and made us all feel more loved and loveable.
The wisdom says:
If you want something, hang around with people who have it. (Tweet it.)So I did. I signed up for an 8-month, 300-hour yoga teacher certification led by Colleen Saidman and Rodney Yee.
I had no intention of being a yoga teacher but I wanted a love like they have. They were teaching an immersion in how to teach yoga, but I was there to immerse myself in their example of delicious partnership.
One month after I finished the teacher training I met my guy, Mike. Plus, I now know how to do and teach a damn good downward dog.
When I was in my early twenties I used to complain to my other single girlfriends that there weren’t any examples of relationships that I would want to be in around me.
My parents were divorced. And it seemed like everyone in committed relationships I spent time with complained about their partner, seemed unhappy, or simply didn’t have the kind of relationship I wanted.
After a few years living in the land of, “I don’t see anyone else who has what I want so therefore I can’t have it,” I decided to change my tune.

I started noticing the great parts in other peoples’ relationships. I looked around me for what WAS working and filed it away. Then I started studying love with Rodney and Colleen.
My relationship with Mike is far from perfect and we’re pretty new on the partnership scene. But what we’ve created over the past two and a half years is beyond anything I could have imagined.
And I know our solid partnership comes from a balance of being open to learn from other peoples’ examples and also forging our own trail when we don’t have an example in front of us.
Recently, Mike and I were invited to be part of my friend Arielle Ford’s free online series called Attract Your Soulmate Now.
I don’t think there’s some “7-step system to finding the love of your life” or anything like that. But what I DO know is that surrounding yourself with people who have the flavor of what you want brings it to you, just like I did with Rodney and Colleen.
Fortunately, Arielle Ford has made it easier than ever for you to do just that.
Starting on July 10th, she’s bringing the world’s most renowned love experts right into your home for a spectacular 9-day series called Attract Your Soulmate Now.
It’s all online and it won’t cost you anything to attend. And since recordings of each day’s events are always available for a full 24 hours after they air, you can stay focused at work, make it to the gym, keep your appointments (even squeeze in that last load of laundry!), and still find time to create deep, long-lasting love in your life.
Listen as more than 50 of the world’s top authors, thought leaders, and luminaries, including many returning experts, as well as others who are brand new to the series, share their insights, tips and techniques on attracting powerful love into your life.
We’re talking about the very best of the best, including Deepak Chopra, Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, John Gray, Lisa Nichols, Marianne Williamson, Gay and Katie Hendricks, John Assaraf, Marci Shimoff, and of course, me and Mike :)
While I don’t consider myself a love expert, Mike and I had a ball sharing how we found each other and what works for us in our relationship. We shared what being “soulmates” means to us and some fun, practical tips for keeping things fun and loving even while running a business together.
I’ll also be listening to the experts right along with you because great partnerships take investment and I’m always open to learning how to continue to nurture ours.
It all happens online, over the course of 9 days. And while there is absolutely no cost to you, the payoff is huge!
Reserve Your Spot For Attract Your Soulmate Now
During the series you’ll learn proven techniques to:
● Manifest the love of your life
● Let go of past hurts and attachments
● Break-through fears (It can be terrifying to love someone so much!)
● Master successful dating strategies
● Communicate and resolve conflicts
● Ask for (and get!) what you want from a partner
● Sustain a deeply soulful connection
Plus, master panelists will share their best insights on “dating, mating and flirting,” increasing self-love, changing your limiting beliefs, improving communication in all your relationships, bringing more playfulness to your love life, navigating the world of online dating, surviving a breakup, and using astrology, numerology, and feng shui to find love.
I can hardly believe how much wisdom and insight Arielle has packed into this series. She’s even invited some real-life soulmate couples who are moving and inspiring examples of exactly what is possible for you.
In fact, Arielle is one of them. She used powerful love manifestation techniques to bring her soulmate Brian into her life at the age of 44. And the experience so transformed her, that she’s made it her life’s mission to help you—and hundreds of thousands of others throughout the world—do the same.
This kind of soul-satisfying love is possible for anyone, at any age, in any stage of their life.
So whether you’re new to dating, just getting back in the game, or wondering if the person you’re with could actually be “the one,” you owe it to yourself to participate in this extraordinary “love-changing” series. And it won’t cost you a penny!
Join us for the Love Party: Discover How To Attract Your Soulmate Now
What do you think about soulmates? How did you attract your partner? I’d love to hear YOUR wisdom so share it in the comments below!