Not all of the women in Origin™ have young kids. In fact, some of them have grown children…and some of them don’t have children at all! Origin™ is a community of women from all walks of life and stages of being. Women who bring to the table a wide variety of choices and experiences, illuminating different ways of doing business and living life.
And it’s in this community of women, with all of their varied experiences, that I’m inspired daily, seeing the world from their unique perspectives.
Today I’m introducing you to Karyn, an Origin™ Empress who told me that when she found our community, she instantly felt at home.
She’s a full-time community pharmacist, mother of two, and brand-new grandmother. Plus, she works with individual clients as a health coach, combining energy healing modalities and nutrition to aid them in their healing.
You’ll be inspired by how, as part of Origin™, Karyn has given herself permission to embrace her feminine essence as a source of power (as opposed to a hindrance to being powerful) and to also be more out loud about the more “out there” things that she’s into.
Click the video below to learn how Karyn’s reorganized her schedule and begun to track her energy in a new way according to the principles we practice in Origin™.
Want to learn how to work in a sustainable way where you can be present for your business and your family, not to mention embrace your feminine energy as a power source as Karyn has done? My free Sustainable Success Workshop is coming up October 10th.
Get on the VIP Waitlist so you don’t miss it. Get on the list for the FREE Sustainable Success Workshop Series. Starts Oct 10th!
What did you learn from Karyn about the way she’s navigating work, her business, and being a mother and grandmother? How can you apply it to your own life? Let me know in the comments!