My sister adorably schedules sister dates with me every few weeks when we haven’t seen each other in a while. I’m incredibly blessed for many reasons. One of them is that I live in the same city as my sister and another one is that I see this as a good thing. Not everyone likes their family: I’m blessed because I do. The other day at our sister date over “Live Earth Salads” at a place in Brooklyn called Siggy’s Good Food where the menu reminded us that “aliens eat for free” (WTF?) Annie gifted me with the poem below as a belated birthday gift. I love the way my sister is with words. (This is actually her zone of genius. She’s the Diva of the Word.) I love the way she expresses her love for me. I love the way she gives birthday presents two months after the actual date. I love her. Thanks, Annie.
For Kate
A Belated Birthday Gift – Dated May 20, 2010
Wow, it’s beautiful up here
legendary lips
brimming with talents
teaching me how
to love myself
And be here.
ushering in
a quiet revolution
or perhaps
a loud one
with many giggles
believing life can be
and taking action.
like the sunshine
bright light
dancing in
the light
and the shadows.
let it all go
let everything go.
wallpaper’s off
the display is exposed
and behold
the beauty
sparkling there