Sometimes it’s so much easier to wait around for someone else to take care of us than to take care of ourselves.
Or so we think.
We only half-heartedly take care of our money because we secretly hope that pretty soon we’ll get married and our husband will do that for us.
We don’t make a significant effort to get our debt paid off because, in the back of our mind, we’re waiting for our parents to bail us out.
We don’t really go for it in business because we suspect that at some point we’ll have an inheritance coming so we just bide our time and do the bare minimum to get by.
Sound familiar?
Many of us are waiting for someone, or something, to come along and save us, especially when it comes to our financial lives.
We don’t take full responsibility for ourselves because we’re afraid we don’t have what it takes to really take amazing care of ourselves. So instead we sell ourselves short by not ever showing ourselves what we’re truly made of.
I know because I waited for years to commit to my own financial empowerment in a big way because I was unconsciously waiting for my mom or my future husband to come and take care of it all for me.
But all I got for waiting to take the reigns of my life was waiting.
One day I just decided that enough was enough. It was time to take my life into my own hands. I stepped into becoming my own savior, my own Prince Charming, and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.
(And it also lead to finding my real Prince Charming who I’m so excited to marry next year!!! But the best part is that when I met him I didn’t need saving.)
Today I’ve got a really simple, 3-step exercise for you to learn how to become your own Prince Charming and stop waiting around for someone to come along and save you once and for all.
Watch the video below to get the goods:
It’s absolutely possible to be in love and financially powerful at the same time. (Tweet it!)Over to you:
Did this video help you identify who or what your Prince Charming is? What’s the quality you can enhance in yourself to become more powerful? What’s the action step you’ll be taking this week to become your own Prince Charming?