You have a lot of decisions to make on a daily basis.
Jeans or leggings? Yoga or spinning? Smoothie or oatmeal? Blog or video? Webinar or free call? Daycare or nanny? This is Us or Fixer Upper? Say something about the thing that’s bugging you or let it go?
There are a lot of ways to make decisions. In fact, there are so many ways to make decisions that deciding which way to make your decision can add a whole other layer of overwhelm and confusion to the process.
I’m here to tell you there’s an easier way. There’s a better way.
It’s something you were born with. Everybody has it. No one was made without it.
And the more you use it, the stronger it gets, and the easier it becomes to know what it’s telling you.
It’s your intuition, and when you figure out how to use it in your life and business, you will:
- Save thousands of hours that you’ve previously wasted waffling back and forth and obsessing about decisions
- Save tens of thousands of dollars because staying in a holding pattern by not making a decision makes you lose money due to the cost of missing opportunities by staying stuck
- Save tons of energy that you’ve previously expended spinning your wheels overthinking things, rather than investing it in actually moving projects and plans forward
Ready to save a ton of time, energy, and money? Awesome. Click below to watch the video I made for you that will teach you how to tap into your intuition to make sure you’re always doing the right thing.
Your intuition is your superpower. Listen to it, and you’ll never make a wrong decision again.
Now I’d love to hear from you!
How do you listen to your intuition?
What’s a recent situation where you were able to save time, money, and energy because you listened to, and followed, your intuition?
What do you struggle with when it comes to listening to and heeding your intuition?
Let me know in the comments!
Know someone who struggles with making decisions? Forward this post along to them.
Remember: your intuition is an innate superpower. It’s there for you all the time, 24/7. It never turns off, and it’s free to use. You can ask it unlimited questions!
When you use your intuition you can’t ever mess things up. It will always guide you exactly where you most need to go.