As the year tiptoes to a close (it really snuck up on me this year) I’m taking stock.
And I’m making stock. (Yes, I have been cooking non-stop since Mike and I settled into our new home for the next five months. My inner Susie Homemaker has come out in full force. I’m just as surprised as Mike is.)
Part of my taking stock has involved going through all of my “stuff”, digital, physical, and mental, and deciding what to do with it. More on this in a future post when I tell you why I’m obsessed with Getting Things Done by David Allen. In my process of diving into my notes and bits (it’s amazing how much you can accumulate while living in a car) I found a note I’d written to myself sometime this year entitled, “Here’s what I know.” I don’t have a clue when I wrote it, but I know that when I read it it made me feel good.
Here’s hoping it makes you feel good too.
Here’s what I know…
- Doing something for the money never ends up being worth it.
- If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no.
- You are valuable because you exist. Period. (Or, full stop if you’re British.)
- You are enough. You always have been. You always will be.
- Your place of greatest ease and joy will also be your place of greatest service.
- It’s okay to sleep for ten hours or more a night from time to time. In fact, it’s critical.
- No accomplishment or moment of recognition will ever replace feeling loved, by yourself or anyone else.
- It’s not going to turn out the way you thought. It will be better.
- You know. You always know.
- The fact that it feels good is reason enough to move every day. The fact that it will tone your ass and make your waist smaller are mere side effects.
- Organizing your life around what feels good is the single wisest choice you can make.
- There is always going to be a small part of you that wants to please your mother, even if you’re not conscious of it, and that’s okay.
- Saying yes to someone simply because you don’t want to disappoint them is not only unfair to you, it’s unfair to them.
- Sleep, water, movement, greens, and a good cry cure almost anything.
- Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of. (Thanks Mom)
- Paying attention to your money is a profound act of self-love.
- It turns out that life is happening right now.
- Loving yourself more is the best place to start to solve any problem.
- You can’t judge and have an open heart at the same time.
- Nothing is random. Everything happens for a reason.
- Your body is wise beyond what you could possibly imagine. Listen to her. She will lead you home every time.
- Home is not a place.
Your turn!
What do you know?
What can you count on no matter what?
Tell me and remind yourself. Leave a comment.