There’s no such thing as the wrong decision.


I don’t want to make the wrong decision, you say.

So you sit on it and make no decision. And time goes by. And you stay in the same place you’ve always been.

No decision. No progress. {Tweet it.} No decision. No progress_Tweet

Indecision kills forward momentum faster than you can say, “I don’t know.”

Here’s the deal:

There’s no such thing as the wrong decision.

There’s simply the decision you make.

You can weigh the pros and cons for eons. You can call your friends, your psychic, and the angel card reader.

You can literally spend your entire life debating.

You can miss shining opportunities because you were paralyzed by your fear of getting it wrong.

You can watch your life pass before your eyes by trying to avoid getting it wrong.

You can stay exactly where you are forever because you’re afraid of getting it wrong.

Or you can move forward.

You can make a bold choice and take the next step.

You can experience the exhilaration that comes from committing.

You can revel in the freedom of having the ability to choose and exercising that freedom.

The key to life isn’t making the right decision. It’s making the most out of the decision you made.

Each decision we make opens up a world of new possibilities and a world of new choices.

This is the infinite journey of being human.

A life well lived comes from choosing something and going for it. And then choosing something else and going for it. And then choosing something else and going for it.

People who never choose because they’re afraid of making the wrong choice miss out. Period.

There is no such thing as a wrong decision.

People who look like they’ve made the right decision are simply masters at making the most of the decisions they make.

Step up to the plate.

Get on with your life.

Make the decision.

And then choose to make it right.


Over To You:

Do you have difficulties making decisions?  I’d like to hear about it in the comments below!


P.S. Ready to make the decision to make money and change the world? If so, B-School is for you. And Mike and I want to be by your side, loving and supporting you to make the most out of the program. Enrollment closes 3/2 so you’ll want to make the decision soon. Learn more here.



  • jenn

    Well said! I completely agree. Indecision leaves you frozen in time with regrets and wishes of lamenting the past. I’m going to share this with others. Thx you for expressing this so well.

  • It can be scary…but it feels good when you make a decision and get it out of the way! xx

  • Hi Kate!
    Once again, another great post!
    I like to tell my clients, who just CAN’t decide (even after Tapping..)

    *Set a date when you WILL make a decision. Even deciding when you’ll decide is more empowering than not stepping forward at all.

    *Asking your Self “What do I need to know in order to make a decision, that is in my best interest?”

    *Making a list is so helpful!

    Take care, Kate!

  • Hey kate, for the past month i have been struggling to make a decision about my business. And it’s been keeping me in the dark. Your words were exactly what i needed today! Thank you for this post!

    Today am making a decision!

  • La Vonne

    A very good observation and good advice. Like I always say: People who think everything turns out for the best are people who make the best of everything.

  • This is exactly what i needed to hear today.

  • Thanks for this – sooo timely!! I have a habit of indecision which really holds me back….

    I have made this part of my blog this week – and mentioned you as the originator. Thanks Kate.

  • Ann

    Hi, I’m in my early thirties and single. The opportunity to be in a relationship has not presented itself though I’ve tried to take care of my body, go on online dating sites and above all tried to live with an open heart. My question is what do you do when the question or opportunity hasn’t presented itself? When you’re still trying to manifest and there are seemingly no choices on the horizon — and everything is at a stand still?

  • Lindsey

    I have been wondering about whether it is ok to have an old friend with whom there has also been chemistry for dinner and not invite the doctor I have been seeing for a couple of months and who is a great guy but probably will not turn out to be the ‘one’. Is it ok to decide not to choose and allow whatever happens to happen. The doctor knows how I feel but doesn’t know about the old friend who has recently become single again. Our timing was wrong a couple of times in the past and I want to know if anything could actually happen between us this time.

  • Emma

    So Perfect. I heard this thing once, that the only wrong decision is indecision.

    I have been feeling drained the past few days as a situation has occurred that has thrown me off. I pulled back from a self development program and sponsor because it was feeling controlling.

    But now I feel kind of ‘off track’ and unsure if it was the right thing, and almost scared to come crawling back and submit to beimg even more controlled to get my needs met. Or what have you.
    reaching out to every intuitive person I know trying to get a clear answer of what to do.

    And you know what.. It’s Fucking Disempoweing… Because if they said something that didn’t line up with what I know deep down inside I’d feel even more disempowered and confused. It’s like I need to give myself permission to reveal what I know to myself. And it’s just going to take trust, time, letting go, and a little bit of trial and error.
    As Marie Forleo says, ‘Clarity Comes From Engagement.’
    Thanks Kate,

    Perfect Timing.

    ? Emma

  • Hi Kate!
    As if you know what is going on in my life?!? Great topic – Thank you! I need to make a decision by Monday and I have actually already done so. Now, only a few days left I find myself thinking I made the wrong decision. How do you know which decision to follow? Thanks and xxx

  • This is so powerful!! Whenever I feel myself stuck in a decision I meditate and talk with my angels. Most recently I was attempting to make a decision and asked my body what it wanted. The answer became clear immediately!

    Big love!!

  • kristina

    Your motivating words are just what I need… I feel like I am a determined straightforward person, but when I am honest I have been living in indecisiveness for years and years, torturing myself and those around me.

    I have been torn between living in Germany where I have been enjoying living the last 16 years or moving back to Seattle my hometown and my favourite city…
    I keep playing the theory of “what if “over and over in my head and it leaves me paralysed and depressed – feeling like my options are problems instead of, as you say. OPPORTUNITIES.

    Thanks for helping me reframe my thinking and helping me to commit to making a decision.

  • Sabrina

    Hope you pick me for B school :) Thanks for the opportunity!

  • I love this post! I sounds like you are talking to me directly. I’ve been so afraid of getting it wrong. Stepping in on a path that will not lead me to exactly where I want to be. I want to declare that those days are over!! It’s very interesting to me how I seem to get the inspiration I need when I need it. Today, I feel life by my side!

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