Life gets better and better

I have something very exciting to tell you and it applies to you if you’re alive (which, good news, you are if you’re reading this email!)

With every passing moment, we have the opportunity to ripen and expand.

Not all of us will do that all the time. Nor would we want to.

But in a world where the prevailing message, especially for women, is that as we get older our lives tend to get smaller and dried up, I think it’s really important to share evidence of the alternative.

With every passing day, the weirdest things keep happening:

I find myself getting more fun, more relaxed, more unapologetic, and just generally yummier.

What does that mean exactly, and what does it mean for you?

Well, I’ll tell yah.

To me yumminess is all about softening and relaxing enough to feel the pleasure that’s our birthright.

It’s tough to feel good when everything is tight, mentally, energetically, emotionally, and most certainly physically.

We’ve all had a lot of experiences in life that give us good evidence that life is scary and we need to white knuckle it, of course.

Yet, not once, not one measly little time, has gripping helped us avoid the uncertainty of life that’s a constant.

But you know what it does cause us to miss out on?

All the deliciousness that’s available.

The snuggles. The laughs. The beauty. The orgasms. The sighs. The vistas. The sweet in between moments that our eyes can’t see and our hearts can’t feel when we’re gripping and rushing because we’re scared.

Living for 4 decades hasn’t taught me that there’s nothing to be afraid of, naturally.

I’ve had more experiences with ambulances, ERs, mysteriously crying children, overdrawn checking accounts and navigating the personal trauma explosions mixed with political dogma of people near and far over the past 3.5 years than I would have consciously chosen.

But maybe there’s something about going through it all that smooths us out, like a river stone being tossed about until the edges feel so good to the touch.

All I know is that a few times a week I surprise myself with how much more open I am than I was 5 years ago.

I’m so much more available for nuance.

I’m so much less likely to judge.

I’m so much more willing to go for things I want just for the f*ck of it, even when I have no guarantee that it’ll happen.

I care so much less about nearly everything and so much more about the things that really matter.

This week as I celebrate releasing the title, art, and trailer for my new podcast, Plenty, I want us all to know and live this truth:

It can totally get better and better.

It certainly has in my life and I know it can for you, too.

Stick around and we’ll make sure it does, together 😘.



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