Three years ago, I was circled up on pool loungers with four new women entrepreneur friends.
I had a mild case of swamp ass, a result of a combo of nerves and South Florida humidity.
It was my turn to get the group’s feedback on my business, and I shared that I’d been at an income plateau for 4 years.
Despite having tried all kinds of new strategies, nothing was moving the needle revenue-wise.
My friend Cathy Heller helped me unclog my money pipe in less than 15 minutes with some laser-focused love and wisdom, which I’m so excited to pass along to you!
So here was my money clog:
I felt like I didn’t deserve to have more financial abundance because I’d already received so many blessings.
I also felt like if I made more money it would create separation between me and some of the people I love the most.
Can you relate to either of those money fears?
Here’s how Cathy rearranged me:
She helped me see (and feel) how, as I was blocking money from flowing into my business because of my fears, I was also blocking money from flowing into the lives of my team, my customers, and even my friends and family.
Why? Because economically and energetically, we are not separate.
If I’m consciously or unconsciously saying, “don’t send me more money; I’ve already received enough blessings in this lifetime,” I literally have less money to pay people bonuses, invest in other people’s businesses, and circulate resources within my community and beyond.
Blocking money from coming into my life meant blocking money from coming into the lives of everyone I’m connected to.
Sometimes, we just need someone outside us to lovingly mirror our limitations and compassionately invite us back into expansion.
Cathy does that for me all the time. And I do it for her in my own, different way.
The good news is, now you can receive her life-giving abundance wisdom, too, because today is the day her brand new book comes out!
Abundant Ever After: Tools for Creating a Life of Prosperity and Ease is out this week and she’s offering a bonus Meditation & Manifestation Made Easy course ($297 Value) to anyone who orders it this week!
Cathy’s also on Plenty this week, and we had such a yummy conversation that’s a must-listen if you want to break through an income ceiling or melt any money block you have.
Listen in to Cathy Heller on Plenty!Remember,
We live in an infinite Universe. Abundance is the truest thing there is.
I hope my story and the resources I shared today help you tap in and receive. ❤️