I’m on a big old unsubscribe spree this week as I hear from businesses I didn’t even remember I’d subscribed to with their Black Friday deals.
It’s so satisfying. 10/10 recommend.
I used to wake up in January with a spending hangover, kicking off the year already feeling behind on my money goals.
But no more! I healed my avoidance patterns with a series of unconventional steps, and unconscious holiday spending is a thing of the past.
(If you overcouple money with love and find yourself trying to fill love-sized holes with gifts, I did a spontaneous IG live download with strategies to fix that.)
We’re already swimming in a sea of deals via email, social, and more this week, so I’m sharing my best tips to navigate the onslaught while staying true to yourself and your financial goals.
4 Tips to Curb Overspending During Black Friday (or Anytime)
1. Make a list of what truly matters to you. Anytime you go to spend money, ask yourself if this expenditure aligns with what matters to you.
(We have a game-changing process for this in Relaxed Money that’s helped hundreds of our students stop emotionally spending, and you can get on the waitlist here.)
2. Make a list of things you need to buy in the next 3 months or so anyway. Look those companies up and see if they’re having Black Friday sales so you can truly experience a deal.
3. Only spend your money on things that will give you a meaningful return on your investment (ROI.) Example: if you get yourself a sweet pair of blue-light-blocking glasses, you’ll be reaping the benefits of improved sleep, energy, and metabolic health for years to come!
4. Imagine yourself in January. Will you be thrilled you bought this thing and are still enjoying it? Or will you have already forgotten about the quick dopamine hit and have it gathering dust in your closet?
Take-home message:
The short-term dopamine hit of a “deal” on something you didn’t need in the first place isn’t worth the depletion in your checking account.
Which leads me to bonus tip 5:
5. Regulate before and while you shop.
Choose a nervous system healing tool you know works for you (shaking your whole body can be great for some) and do it before you go shopping, whether it’s online or in person.
When your nervous system is regulated, you’ll always make smarter, more aligned money decisions.
May these tips support you in starting 2025 off on a powerful, relaxed financial foot!
If you celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving, and no matter what, thank you for being here. I never take it for granted ❤️🙏.