Episode 40: How To Write Non-Sucky Copy with Laura Belgray

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In this episode we’re talking with Laura Belgray of Talking Shrimp, who’s not only a professional copywriter, but she’s absolutely hysterical!

Laura is an expert on teaching people how to create copy that makes customers open their wallets by using their words in the most effective way.

Today she shares the biggest mistakes that she sees in terms of copywriting, how you can make your own copy specific to whom you want to talk to, and how to get better at writing if it’s not really your thing (yes, anyone can get better at writing)!

In This Episode

  • The real reason Laura was an English major in college [11:10]
  • How she met Marie Forleo (and why she initially “hated” her)! [13:35]
  • Why you need an email list and how to treat it [18:15]
  • The reason her site and blog was named Talking Shrimp [19:40]
  • There are no hard and fast rules in business [20:58]
  • What is “verbal bubble wrap” and why we need to remove it from our writing [26:25]
  • Nobody cares about your “Why” (they want this) [30:00]
  • How to balance not offending people with being yourself [36:10]
  • It’s an amazing privilege to put your words out to the world [52:45]

Selected Links from the Episode

Laura’s Website & Instagram The Copy Cure (with Marie Forleo)

Tackle Your Tagline Cheat Sheet You Can Dance Again Later (for Instagram)

People Mentioned

Mark Twain Marie Forleo Jessica Alba Will.i.am Gwyneth Paltrow Gary Vaynerchuk Simon Sinek

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