Last Friday, we finished the biggest launch of my career and it wasn’t at all like I’d expected.
There are these moments we dream about in our lives. I had an idea of what this size of a launch would feel like. Turns out I was wrong.
It felt different. Not seismically. But enough that it’s worth mentioning.
There are 3 key lessons I learned from the launch that I wanna share with you so you can use them if you like:
- By the time you get to the biggest successes of your life (financial or otherwise), if they’re gonna stick, they won’t feel unusual.
I’d imagined that finishing a launch of this size would feel wildly exciting. Like I’d have butterflies in my stomach, want to jump up and down, and run around screaming from the sheer energy of it all.
Instead, we closed the cart while I meditated in bed in dim lights while sweating with a fever.
And while there was a lot of joy and satisfaction present, it also felt very calm. It didn’t feel wildly out of the ordinary. It felt like, “Yeah. Of course this is happening.”
Which leads me to the second lesson…
Nervous system calibration happens subtly, and over time. So much so that by the time you’ve expanded way beyond your original capacity to receive abundance, you’ll have kind of forgotten that this reality ever felt unobtainable.
5 years ago, a launch of this caliber and size we just executed wasn’t even on my radar as something to dream about.
In fact, it was only about 6 months ago that I articulated the goal of having a launch of this size. (It wasn’t even me who said it, actually. It was a team member!)
But sure enough, here we are. The shifts that were required to get us to a place where the team and I have the capacity to hold this many students well took time and some of it was incredibly subtle, energetic shifts that didn’t look super sexy on the outside but that made a huge difference on the inside. (Kind of like redoing your plumbing and electric in a house.)
The great news is that when you combine lesson 1 and lesson 2, you get lesson 3 which is…
Expansion and healing can feel really yummy.
A lot of times we talk about growth as being “hard work.” But you know what? It doesn’t have to be painful. It can feel really gentle and even yummy.
Were there moments of discomfort? Sure! Did I come up against some old stuff that needed to be swept out of the corners of my psyche? Darn tootin’.
But it didn’t hurt. It didn’t feel hard all the time. I didn’t have to “work on my blocks” or “bust through hurdles.”
A lot of the healing actually happened in fun, deep conversations with girlfriends. (Co-regulation FTW!)
No matter what area of your life you’re currently focused on expanding in, know this:
When you let your nervous system be part of the journey, the change you desire eventually feels sort of automatic and very familiar and safe.
Pleasurable, even.
Here’s to growing in subtle ways that catch up to us and find us exceeding our biggest goals while taking exquisite care of ourselves.