I’m on a text thread with a group of high 6- and 7-figure female business owners. The other day everyone was reporting in on their launches, and the common thread was this:
We’re doing too much.
If these women are feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and like there’s too much going on at the same time in their businesses, likely you are feeling this way, too.
While I aspire to be the kind of woman who garnishes salads with fresh herbs from her garden, instead I tend to overwater or underwater, thus killing my sweet little leafy buddies.
But I’ll tell you what I’m really good at when it comes to growing plants: pruning.
As business owners we tend to think that the more projects we do, the more time we spend, and the more energy we invest in our businesses, the more successful we’ll become.
But anybody who’s good with plants knows that pruning is critical to a plant’s health.
It’s the same for your business.
Choosing what you’re going to let go of – or prune – is just as, if not more, important as choosing what you’re going to do.
Watch the short video below to learn:
- 3 effective ways to prune projects in your business
- How to know when it’s time to let a project go
- Why you’re stunting your business growth if you’re not pruning regularly

Once you watch the video, I’d love to know: which project are you pruning and why? Leave me a comment and let me know.
If you have a friend who’s overwhelmed and overworked, pass this video along to her so she can feel some immediate relief.