While there are a lot of reasons women struggle with money, including avoidant behavior, not valuing themselves, not learning the money skills they need, and not speaking up for what they want, none of these is the primary cause of the financial struggle. Yet each one of the things I just mentioned is a symptom of the number one reason women who struggle with money struggle:
Our relationship with money isn’t about money. It’s about power.

Unfortunately, power has gotten a really bad wrap due to public and widespread misuse and abuse of power (primarily by middle-aged white men, a pattern which, thankfully, is crumbling right along with the systems that have dysfunctionally supported this misuse and abuse.)
Power in its most innocent form, though, is simply the ability to do something. It’s totally neutral. The hands into which it falls, however, is what turns it toward altruism or darkness.
One of my favorite quotes of all time is from Mother Teresa, who said:
“It takes a checkbook to change the world.”

Like it or not, the majority of our world runs on money. And if you want to do something, it really helps to have some of it.
I’m not talking about needing millions. I’m talking about creating the kind of wealth that allows you to do the things you want with your time and your energy. That is true power.
If you want to get to the bottom of why governments or companies are doing certain things, follow the money trail. Why? Governments and companies want to be able to do things. They want power. And they understand that in our current system, the ability to get things done on a large scale requires access to money.
So, what does this have to do with women?
Well, we’re pretty new to the whole power conversation. In the United States we’ve had the power to use our voice in government by voting only since the year 1920. That’s less than 100 years. And that’s not including voter suppression which denied the right to vote based on race or ethnicity up until 1965 when the Voting Rights Act was signed into law.
But our time has come to step into levels of power never before seen by women. Because the wellbeing of our world depends on it.
I cannot think of a more common source of disempowerment among women than money…nor a more fertile starting ground for coming to terms with our power.
Yes, there’s more to power than money. But I can guarantee you that if you’re experiencing avoidance, chaos, or profound lack in your own financial life, your power in the world will be diminished.
Financial stress takes up a lot of energy. Each of us only has so much bandwidth, and if a big chunk of it is being taken up by financial drama in our lives, the plug will eventually be pulled on our power.
Simply accepting that our relationship with money has everything to do with our relationship with power is a great place to start.
And then doing whatever we can to clean up our own finances so that we can stop leaking our vital energy to financial chaos or avoidance and instead channel it towards our ability to do things in the world:
- Starting and growing businesses
- Letting our voices be heard
- Running for office
- Leading organizations
- Being powerful role models for our children
- Speaking up for change
- Advocating for those who don’t yet have the power to advocate for themselves
- Enjoying our lives
- Doing work that we love that matters
- And so much more
Ready to overcome your ambivalence toward power and create financial stability, and even wealth, so you can do the things you want to do?
My friend Denise Duffield-Thomas just released a brand-new free video called Reclaim Your Money Power and in it you will learn:
- What it really takes to succeed in the new economy.
- 3 key mistakes that SO many women in business make that keep them broke and burned out.
- How to eliminate these mistakes and in doing so how it will assure success
Click here to get instant access to this powerful video. (See what I did there?)
No matter what it is that you desire to do, financial stress will impede your ability to do it because financial stress diminishes your power.
You can do anything you want, and you can have a big impact. Start with your money, and you’ll be amazed by how your ability to do things in the world shifts in dramatic ways.
How do you feel about power? What is it that you’d like to do in the world? Do you see your finances as connected to your ability to do things? Tell me all about it in the comments!