A few years ago I felt totally trapped by my business and terminally bored by it.
I felt like if I had to do the presentation I’d been giving for 8 years already one more time that I would fall on the floor and start convulsing from lack of stimulation. I had a business model and product that I LOVED but something was missing.
And so, after much debate about whether or not the world would think I was a self-centered egomaniac, I started a blog.
I thought writing my blog was simply going to be a creative outlet to help me feel more fulfilled. I thought it would just kind of be this thing that some friends and family would read and that I could use to say the things that were inside of me burning to be said.
I was wrong.
Over the last few years, my little blog has blossomed into a six-figure online business that’s lead to a book deal and a profitable speaking career.
I get asked how I did it a lot.
There are so many worthy messages out there, so many services that are truly of service, and so many products that the world is desperate for.
And I bet that you’ve got one of them inside you, ready to be shared with the world. Or perhaps you’ve already birthed it, but it’s sitting on a website somewhere twiddling it’s thumbs waiting for the traffic that doesn’t ever seem to come.
Here’s the reality: You could have the cure for cancer and if you don’t have the skills to and/or aren’t taking action to tell the world about it, your magnificent solution isn’t any good to anyone.
I want to help you get the skills and the wherewithal to take action to get your brilliant ideas, message, products, and services out to the world. Because the world deserves your brilliance. And its your job to share it.
Let me be clear: I don’t have any silver bullets to offer up to you.
Instead, I have solid, grounded advice that I learned through a combination of making mistakes, modeling other successful people, and studying tons of business training, tools, and advice.
I puttered along at a nice five-figure income that was pretty good for a long time.
But it wasn’t until I made some very simple but revolutionary tweaks in my business that it went from pretty good to freaking incredible.
And when I say freaking incredible I mean both from a financial perspective AND, just as importantly, from a life satisfaction and being of service perspective.
I want to save you from hiding your light under a bushel for as long as I did.
So I have a special invitation for you.
Join me next Tuesday, February 26th at 6pm PST/8pm EST for a free webinar that I’ve crafted specifically for you:
The Anatomy of Making Money Online: 7 Simple, Doable Strategies to Make a Profit + Make a Big Difference with Your Business
I’ll give you a sneaky peek behind the scenes of my business so you can learn EXACTLY what I do to make it work so well financially and in terms of having the lifestyle I want – so that you can to.
And more importantly, I’ll teach you how you can save yourself some time by learning from my mistakes and the resources I’ve curated for you.
You don’t have to spend the next three or four years bumbling around trying to figure it all out all by your lonesome. I want to help you get your stuff out there faster and more effectively – because the world is ready for you and what you have to offer.
During the free webinar on Tuesday you’ll learn:
- how to not feel guilty for taking time off from your business
- why being nice might be the kiss of death for your financial success
- the single most important question to ask yourself when it comes to time management and why organizing your time without the answer is a total waste of energy
- what your most precious asset is in business and how to leverage it to make the competition totally irrelevant
PLUS, I’ve got a super special secret guest joining me. I can’t tell you who it is but you’ll be so excited to hear from them that you might pee a little :)
Join me on Tuesday night by clicking the link below:
https://attendee.If you’re ready to:
- stop limiting the clients and customers you can serve to those in your immediate community and reach people all over the world
- break through the technology fog and learn simple ways to navigate the online business world that don’t include getting a degree in computer science or becomming a web programmer
- teach what you’re passionate about in a smart, leveraged, savvy, effective manner that brings in lots of money while giving you lots of free time
- learn how to effectively monetize your message
…then this webinar is for you! Join me: https://attendee.
If you can’t come on live, no worries. The recording will be available to anyone who registers.
Love and freedom,
xo, Kate
P.S. Want to learn how to take your business from “ho-hum” to “hell yes” and have the income and lifestyle to back it up? CLICK HERE to register for the webinar – it’s free!