We just wrapped the final live module of this year’s Relaxed Money 4.0 cohort.
Beyond the fun way we expand financial literacy and wealth-building prowess in the program, we do a tremendous amount of deprogramming work.
This past Monday was a Full Moon in Aquarius, and we’re still in its shadow-illuminating portal of it.
This particular full moon is the first of four Supermoons in a row (prepare for things to become uncovered in a big way), and it has a powerful invitation for us.
When it comes to our relationship with money, many of us act out familial, religious, and other cultural conditioning that keeps us from living our dreams.
So, what does the Full Moon have to do with our money and programming?
And how can we set ourselves free so we can make, keep, and grow the kind of money we want?
I’m gonna tell you how to start.
The first thing to understand is that our cultural conditioning is unconscious mainly because so much of our wiring lives in our bodies and the parts of our minds that we’re unaware of.
(If you’ve seen the recent Pixar movie Inside Out 2, you may have noticed that, while sweet, the filmmakers perpetuated the misunderstanding that our emotions and behavior are motivated only by our mind, conscious and unconscious. They left out the body…again.)
The second thing to understand is that our conditioning (the beliefs we’ve inherited from others) lives in our nervous systems, a network of neurons running through our brains and bodies.
If you want to change things in your financial life (like increasing your income), most experts will tell you to start with strategy or mindset (or maybe both.)
But the thing is, we can’t change conditioning that lives on the level of physiological neural patterning by changing our behavior or our mind.
This week’s Full Moon in Aquarius invites us to examine how society has conditioned us and whether we need to release any parts of that conditioning..
But how are we supposed to know what non-serving beliefs about money (or anything else) we’ve adopted unconsciously–if they’re unconscious?
We look at our financial lives and ask ourselves which parts aren’t working for us, especially if we’ve tried to change them but haven’t been able to.
For example, no matter what I did, I used to have a somewhat unconscious pattern of overspending. I tried being more disciplined, making more money, budgeting, and being frugal, but I would find myself making excuses about why I needed something I hadn’t planned to buy or unexpected expenses would pop up, keeping me in the red.
The part I needed to address?
I had the unconscious belief that if I was truly powerful financially (as evidenced by spending less than I made, being a saver, and building wealth), I would end up alone.
My neural patterning and subsequent behavior kept me safe based on my conditioning!
What part of your financial life do you wanna enhance?
Your income?
Your systems?
Keeping more of what you make?
Building wealth?
No matter what it is, you can start to repattern your nervous system so that the reality you desire regarding money starts to feel safe.
Then, the behavior that supports it becomes automatic.
Use the energy of the Full Moon to shed light on the unsupportive money beliefs that have previously been unseen. Let them come out of the shadows.
And then practice signaling to your body that it’s safe as you weave your new money beliefs and behavior into reality.
Want help getting started?
I recorded a podcast episode to help you.You get to have what you want.
Starting at the level of the body is the most powerful and effective way to get there.