I first met Regena Thomashauer, also known as Mama Gena, when my mom sent me under cover to scope her out at her School of Womanly Arts.
I sat in her living room with thirty other women feeling like I was being let in on the biggest, best, most well-kept secret EVER: that the key to a woman’s life is pursuing her pleasure. I was twenty-two and I was so ecstatically grateful to get let in on this juicy morsel so early in life.
I’m doing back flips over how excited I am to introduce this dear friend, mentor, and way-shower to you today. She’s uncovering one of her greatest creations to date, Virtual Pleasure Boot Camp, and I wanted the brilliant women (and the few brave men) on my list to know about it!
I can honestly say that being a student at Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts is one of the top three reasons my life rocks my socks off in so many ways. Recently, my friend Jill Rogers, creator of The Seven Sacred Steps (more on this in a future Glimpse TV episode) called Regena a “woman whisperer.” She’s right. Regena could get the panties of any woman on the planet out of a wrinkle. I swear to you.
She’s my secret weapon for LOVING my life.
Last week Regena and I had a Skype date where we covered everything from the story of subterfuge in which my sister and I conspired to have her meet our mother to the gems for unwrinkling your panties hidden within Virtual Pleasure Boot Camp. Tune in for a good giggle and a little pleasure infusion.
Click for The Top 5 Ways Women Lose Their Pleasure and How to Find It Again and about Virtual Pleasure Boot Camp.