Unwrinkle your panties.

I first met Regena Thomashauer, also known as Mama Gena, when my mom sent me under cover to scope her out at her School of Womanly Arts.

I sat in her living room with thirty other women feeling like I was being let in on the biggest, best, most well-kept secret EVER: that the key to a woman’s life is pursuing her pleasure. I was twenty-two and I was so ecstatically grateful to get let in on this juicy morsel so early in life.

I’m doing back flips over how excited I am to introduce this dear friend, mentor, and way-shower to you today. She’s uncovering one of her greatest creations to date, Virtual Pleasure Boot Camp, and I wanted the brilliant women (and the few brave men) on my list to know about it!

I can honestly say that being a student at Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts is one of the top three reasons my life rocks my socks off in so many ways. Recently, my friend Jill Rogers, creator of The Seven Sacred Steps (more on this in a future Glimpse TV episode) called Regena a “woman whisperer.” She’s right. Regena could get the panties of any woman on the planet out of a wrinkle. I swear to you.

She’s my secret weapon for LOVING my life.

Last week Regena and I had a Skype date where we covered everything from the story of subterfuge in which my sister and I conspired to have her meet our mother to the gems for unwrinkling your panties hidden within Virtual Pleasure Boot Camp. Tune in for a good giggle and a little pleasure infusion.

Click for The Top 5 Ways Women Lose Their Pleasure and How to Find It Again and about Virtual Pleasure Boot Camp.


  • Ahh!! Best Interview Ever! Laughed all the way through this…such pure joy from each of you.

    Loved having the fun recap on that whole scenario in our first Mama 101 course.


    Love you ~ KC

  • Nicole Rowan Holt


    I brag the I am currently blogging on SG for the next 4 months – what an honour.
    I brag that I took Virtual Pleasure Bootcamp from Australia last year
    I brag that I am more in love with my life than I have ever been because of Mama G, SG community and VPBC.

    I am grateful for your wisdom Kate
    I am grateful for your infectious smile
    I am grateful for this post
    I am grateful for the reminder of the need and the gift that healing mother daugher relationship can facilitate
    I am grateful for this “live” Mama G injection

    I desire that you and Regina to come to Australia for a LIVE event in 2012.
    I desire to be part of that and to facilitate the unfolding of WOMAN in Australia.
    I desire to empower Australian women to be soaked in their womanly knowing & to learn the tools (we desparately need a feminine identity – our ‘mateship” culture reasonate through our men AND women – the time to stop this is NOW. I desire that we own our own brand of “sistership”. By the way I am so serious about empowering Australian women & spreading the pleasure tools that I own a business called “Sistership”)

    And so it shall be and so so much more.

    Nicole Rowan Holt
    SG Sorceress (Australia)

  • You 2 just exude happiness…thanks!

  • You two brought me to tears. Very emotional. Great story about you mom & sister.

  • Oh Kate – what a delightful interview with another one of my heroine’s on the planet, Mama Gena! So loved this – the two of you were so fun and it filled my soul with love, desire and sparkles. Such an honor to be a graduate of the School of Womanly Arts – Regina and Dr. Anne Davin have certainly changed my life. It’s wonderful to be a Sister Goddess. Thank you for spreading the love and energy of Regina and the School of Womanly Arts – run now women and check it out.

    In Sisterhood

  • Love Mama Gena!! I have not yet taken any of her programs BUT I admire the work of many women who HAVE worked with Mama Gena…so maybe it’s time :-)

  • oh wow! just read Nicole’s comment!! How funny…NIcole + I met thanks to Bschool this year. Turns out we looooove the same American women + would love love LOVE for more Aussie women to tap into that wisdom. Looks like ‘giggle fest down under’ just got bigger!! Big love to you Kate xox

  • Oh, my dearest SG Kate, what a wonderful interview. I loved hearing about your story of espionage, as Mama Gena called it!

    Thank you for getting our beloved Mama on Glimpse TV and spreading the Pleasure message. I hope this inspires women world-wide to take the plunge.

    You both totally rock my world!

    With unending love and pleasure,

  • Sandra

    Way to go!!! xx

  • I love so much that you are both out there doing what you’re doing. Thank you for the inspiration!

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