Jena La Flamme is purely and simply a radiant being. We met five years ago at a pool party in the middle of Times Square when I first moved to NYC and I knew immediately that there was something special about her. Jena founded Jena Wellness Center in 2007 when she made a commitment to dedicate her life to helping women get the body of their dreams in healthy, lasting, pleasurable, natural ways.
I took a break from The Freedom Tour Tuesday and was delighted to have Jena on Glimpse TV as my first virtual guest. Having been around the most cutting edge information on nutrition and weight loss my entire life, I was pleasantly surprised by how eye opening Jena’s perspective on the topic is. Our brief but action-packed conversation shifted my perspective on my body and has had me thinking in a new way about food for the past two days.
Tune in to find out how treating your body like an animal can lead to lasting weight loss and how to completely transform your relationship to food and your body using your innate feminine instincts.
Jena has generously offered a free coaching session to anyone from my community who is interested in the recently unveiled Weight Loss Pleasure Immersion program.
Get access to Jena’s free video series, find out more about the program, and contact Jena by clicking the link below:
Was Jena’s take on weight loss as eye opening for you as it was for me?
What are your thoughts on this feminine, pleasurable approach to weight loss?
Leave a comment. I’d love to know what you think!
***Also, for some reason I had the comments off on my last post, I’m living in a Toyota Prius: Photo Chronicle of the Freedom Tour Part One. It made me sad not to be able to hear from you so if you didn’t get a chance to check it out, check it out now and leave a comment!***
I’m proud to be an affiliate of Jena Wellness.

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