The Biggest Piece Missing to Your Personal Development

There’s a HUGE missing piece in personal development.

Hilariously, it’s also the most obvious.

We’ve been told for decades that all we need to do to change our lives is change our thoughts.

But our thoughts are WAY downstream from what causes them.

If we wanna have more money and more peaceful prosperity, we gotta go upstream.

Where does our reality originate?

In our bodies. Specifically, our bodies’ memories.

In the third of a seven-part solo episode series on Plenty I’m revealing how to use your body as a magnet for abundance.

No amount of money making or money management strategy is gonna deliver the results you want unless you go to the source:

The unconscious patterns in your body.

What happens once you learn how to work with your body? Infinite possibilities open up for you.

Your body is the path to everything you could ever want.

Learn how to use it to have a plentiful relationship with money in this week’s episode.

I can’t wait to hear what this episode unlocks for you!



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