Have you ever spoken about how little sleep you’ve gotten and how you’re managing to push through the exhaustion with pride, as though lack of sleep is a badge of honor?
While we’ve been programmed to believe that the less we sleep, the more we’ll get done because we’ll be awake more hours, the opposite is actually true.
The more we sleep, the more we get done.
Why? Because your body does miraculous things while you’re sleeping that make you an information-retaining, memory-organizing, hormone-synthesizing, stress hormone-releasing machine.
If you’re regularly sacrificing your sleep so you can log more hours at your computer, get exercise, binge-watch a show, or for any other reason that’s within your control (unlike waking up with small children or someone who’s sick is), then you need to listen up.
Our culture’s tendency to celebrate lack of sleep is incredibly problematic.
It’s problematic for your health, your relationships, and your productivity.
If you want to feel happier, feel more connected (to others, to yourself, and to the Divine), to be healthier, and get more done in less time, watch the video below to learn just how dangerous not sleeping is, and what you can do about it…plus the amazing benefits you’ll get from making it a priority!
Click below to watch the video.
Everything will be better if you’re well rested.
Now I’d love to hear from you:
What’s your relationship with sleep like? Do you sleep a little or a lot? What’s one thing you learned from the video that you can take action on to prioritize sleep immediately?
Leave a comment and tell me all about it!