When we launched The Origin Company last week, other than feedback that our new virtual home brought on feelings of relaxation and expansion (yes!), one thing came up over and over again:
What does this change mean for me?
Whether you’re new here or you’ve been part of our community since the Money: A Love Story days, please know this:
Our shift from building a personal brand to building a company means there’s more space for you and more support for you than ever before.
In case you were worried about this, I want to be clear: I’m not going anywhere.
I simply didn’t want to feel the energetic pressure that I’d started to feel around building a personal brand and feeling like I was the product on some level.
I knew that if we put our energy as a team toward building something bigger than what my identity had the capacity to encompass, there would be more space for everyone.
And that means YOU.
So, if you’re wondering where you fit in all of this and what’s next for you with The Origin Company when it comes to reimagining the way you work with us, you’re in the right place.
What’s Next for You with The Origin Company
Let’s start with the free options:
This guide is quick and powerful. It’s also really beautiful. And free. It will give your analytical brain all the evidence it needs to give you permission to stop doing so much (and show you how that will help you get better results!)
The Weekly Do Less DispatchThis is a weekly tip, story, strategy, or piece of data to help you thrive in your work without burning out. They’ll live here in our virtual home, and we also recommend subscribing so that you don’t miss them. (If you’re not subscribed yet, you can do that here.)
The Origin Company Instagram AccountFollow the account to be part of the conversation about reimagining work.
And here are the paid options:
Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Ambitious WomenThis is a book for working women and mothers who are ready to release the culturally inherited belief that their worth is equal to their productivity and instead, create a personal and professional life that’s based on presence, meaning, and joy.
The Origin MembershipThe Origin Membership gives you the framework, tools, step-by-step instructions, inspiration, support, and community to harness the power of nature so that you can grow your business while living a life that you love. Use cyclical alignment and data and soul-driven time and energy management practices in a supportive community to break up with the hustle and find more flow. This membership is for aspiring and established entrepreneurs alike.
Stress less in your business without sacrificing your revenue. A proven, revolutionary system for ambitious people to make more money while working less. Go through the self-study program in just 4-hours (broken up however you like) and prepare to relate to your work and time in a whole new way! This course will serve you whether you’re brand new in business or you’ve got revenue coming out your eyeballs!
The Do Less Planner SystemA planner system designed for ambitious people to light up the world without burning themselves out. It’s time for a time management system that allows us to activate our innate superpowers. This is the first planner that takes into account your body, your goals, evidence-based productivity hacks, the cosmos, your heart, and your soul.
You can get the digital Do Less Planner, the Daily Energy Tracker, and the Daily Renewable Planner now.
The physical Do Less Planner 2.0 is due out in October! Get on the waitlist here.
So there you have it – all of the ways you can reimagine the way you work with us here at The Origin Company.
We’re overjoyed you’re here on this mission with us and we also want to hear from you:
What are you feeling challenged by right now when it comes to your business and/or your work? Where do you need support? What else would you like to see from us? What questions do you have about our current offerings?
Leave a comment and let us know!