Passive Income: Build a Business that Works for You Rather Than You Working for Your Business: Glimpse TV with Pat Flynn of

pat flynn

Have you ever wanted to know how people you see on the internet looking really happy and successful really make their money? Not just the general overview, but the nitty gritty behind the scenes of what they spend money on in their business and then exactly how much revenue is generated from each income stream?

I know I have. Because it’s one thing to look really good in a Facebook ad, but it’s a whole other thing to have a business that supports a life you feel blessed to live.

A few months back I changed the tagline on to “Make a Life, Not Just a Living.”

Because, it turns out that making a life is far more elusive than making a living.

And, while certainly not unicorns, people who not only make great money but also have the time to do the things they love doing are few and far between.

Last fall I had the pleasure of meeting Pat Flynn of This is a guy who not only makes a fantastic living, he also considers himself the luckiest man in the world because he gets to spend the majority of his time with his wife and kids.

He’s the epitome of “Make a Life, Not Just a Living.”

He got started in the passive income business by accident in 2008 and has gone on to found several top websites and podcasts in the internet marketing space, as well as launch his own software.

Plus, he publishes his income and expenses every single month. Total transparency. Total authenticity.

What you see is what you get with Pat. In a time when it’s really easy to look amazing on the internet but be living a life that’s a far cry from the image you portray, it’s incredibly refreshing to come across someone who tells it like it is.

In today’s episode of Glimpse TV with Pat Flynn, you’ll learn:

• how to build a business that works for you rather than having to work for your business all the time
• how not to be a scammy, sleazy, online marketing weirdo
• how to make money by scratching your own itch and
• what exactly passive income is (and how to get some!)

Plus, he also revealed how he built a business from scratch in an industry he knew nothing about and in 73 days was #1 on Google, already making thousands of dollars.

Share the Glimpse TV love:

I’m just a regular guy who happened to take action. ~@patflynn via #GlimpseTV (Tweet it!)

Build a Business That Works for You Rather Than You Working for Your Business: #GlimpseTV w/ @patflynn & @katenorthrup: (Tweet it!)

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To learn more about passive income and Pat’s projects, visit the sites below:

Over to you:

What did you learn from Pat? How are you going to take action on that? I’d love to hear your insights and action steps in the comments below!


  • Thank you – plan to listen and check out each site. Great energy!

  • I would like to build passive income.

  • Alice Parvin

    Thank you so much for this. Fascinating and encouraging. Now there is focus for all the ideas I have had floating around in my head! Time to release them. What a terrific interview and I love, love, love the energy.
    Have a bountiful day!????????????

  • Michele

    AWESOME interview with Pat – loved it Kate! It was like a coming together of worlds for me because at the end of 2013 my sister gave me your ‘Money A Love Story’ book which I devoured and loved and first heard the term ‘Passive income’ from you…which led to me Googling ‘passive income’…which led me to a wealth of information at Pat Flynn’s website and I’ve been happily subscribed to his newsletter ever since I’ve learned so much from the both of you – so this was a real pleasure to watch :)

  • This was SO good! I love the part about how creating useful stuff for himself led to money, while creating stuff to make money did not. Important to remember :) And love the super transparency about time & money & energy – “I just started, I’ve been doing it about 2 years” for the public speaking… Hello wake up call! Good shiz takes time! :) thank you both!

  • Kate:
    What a wonderful reminder…we are in business to support our love of life (which includes family.) As I linked to Pat’s Smart Podcast Player, I got overwhelmed with fear, tears come to my eyes, and I know, deep down, this is what I need to do – get my work on Podcast and share it with more viewers. I have stayed small, so as not to set the spotlight on my Self.
    Thank you, for your GRAND work in the world.

    Many blessings, Paula

  • So lovely to see heart-centered solopreneurs shining their light and sharing their insight with the world! Thanks for the video Kate!

  • I loved this interview and I think Pat’s energy is an AWESOME inspiration. The thing that resonated with the me the most is the fact that he didn’t get into this game just for the money, but to provide value and honor his own values. Powerful message! Thank you for this interview Kate and Pat!

  • What a fantastic interview! I went to Pat’s website and signed up for his newsletter right away. The idea of having that many different businesses going at once makes me a bit uneasy, but like he said, you start with one and get it built and just go from there. Maybe you’ll have 5, 6, 7 passive income streams, or maybe you’ll have 2 and do something else with most of your time.

    Also, I adore the fact that he said that public speaking scares him but he’s doing it anyway. We all have something that shakes us up, but to see someone who is doing so well financially still push themselves out of their comfort zone – that’s mega inspiring!

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