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You might be stealing from the people who need you most.

Marie with Oprah on Super Soul Sunday.

That one got your attention, right? And I say it because it’s true. But that’s not my quote. It’s from a woman dedicated to helping you have a business and a life you love.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Marie Forleo, a dear friend of mine who Oprah dubbed a thought leader for the next generation.

And she says that if you don’t learn this one, critical but often over looked business skill, you might be stealing from the people who need you most.

Wanna know what it is?

Then keep reading.

Marie is one of the smartest, most heart-centered, hilarious and unabashedly herself business leaders I’ve encountered.

Here’s just one example of what I’ve gotten out of studying with Marie: I’ve increased the size of my list by over 1,000%. Yep, you read that correctly. My reach has increased by more than 1,000% by taking the sage advice of Ms. Forleo. And this has translated into tens of thousands of dollars in revenue growth.

Do you get overwhelmed because you have so many ideas to grow your business?

Ever wonder what you should be doing first, second, third or so on?

I want you to be able to tap into the same business wisdom I’ve benefitted from with Marie, which is why I’m so excited that she’s launched a free video training series that tackles the questions above.

Today’s free business training video will teach you:

  • Why women, in particular, are wired to succeed in the digital era (men, don’t think this lets you off the hook – make this work for you too!)
  • The shocking changes that’ll take place online in the next few years (if you have an online presence, you need to know this!)
  • Marie’s step-by-step 6 Pillar roadmap to online success with a PDF Fun Sheet included
CLICK HERE to get access to Marie’s free business training immediately. You can thank me  later for turning you onto this dynamo and her business savvy special sauce :).

Marie and me hanging at Danielle LaPorte’s book launch.

Once you’ve gone and grabbed Marie’s fabulous new training series, hope on back over here because in the episode of Glimpse TV below you’ll learn:

  • the most important skill you need in business to make the money you deserve and to give back in a big way (it’s also the most overlooked skill so pay attention because you don’t want to miss this one!)
  • the 2 biggest obstacles for business owners and how to move right past them
  • why everyone is not cut out for owning a business and how to know if you are
  • and a fool proof way to figure out the best name for your business

Plus you’ll get some good giggles, hear Marie use the word orifice in one of the most creative ways ever, and get a little insider story on what Marie’s business was like in the early days.

Clarity comes from engagement, not thought. ~@marieforleo via @katenorthrup (Click to tweet.)

Don’t forget to sign up for Marie’s free business training video series. You won’t want to miss it. I promise. Click here to get it free.

What was your biggest takeaway from the interview? Share below! We’d love to hear from you!

P.S. Thinking about signing up for B-School to learn how to make money and change the world? Be sure you’re on my list because, for the first time, I’m offering a bonus that I’m incredibly excited about. I can’t divulge full details yet, but what I can tell you is that it’s a complimentary spot in a course I’ll be offering in the spring valued at over $1,000. It’s about heart. It’s about making more money. It’s about helping people. And it’s only going to be available for people who sign up for B-School through my link. Stay tuned!


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