Get Financially Naked with Manisha Thakor on Glimpse TV

What if you didn’t have to wait to have a million dollars in the bank to feel good about your financial status and security?  To feel like you were taken care of, and that everything was going to be okay?

Is that even possible?

The truth is, we ALL feel freaked out about money sometimes. We live in a world that is completely freaked out about money. So it’s easy to get turned upside down and full of worry, anxiety and stress when it comes to your bank account, job status or the state of Wall Street.

But isn’t all this fear-based hoopla a total downer? If you’re anything like me, you know how ugly it can be when fear hijacks your bank account.

I’m so excited to share a f*r*e*e call that I’ve been invited to be a part of on Saturday, November 12, a fear busting conversation called MONEY PEACE.It’s all about kicking fear out of your bank account and getting on the path to true money peace right nowGO HERE to check it out.

My friend, inspirational catalyst Christine Arylo, has gathered four of her smartest money-minded, miracle making friends, a true Money Peace Dream Team: a Harvard MBA, a Harvard PhD Economist, a Spiritual Minister, and a Serial Entrepreneur for a transformational conversation in which we will all…

  • GET REAL about the truth of how fear hijacks us through our relationship with money
  • GET WISE about how we can make different choices, ones that lead us to MONEY PEACE instead of MONEY MADNESS
  • And GET INTO ACTION and receive tools for switching our minds and emotions from fear to peace when we face financial challenges

 ***Check out my Glimpse TV with one of my fellow Money Peace guests, Manisha Thakor, author of Get Financially Naked, and find out the three most important things you should be doing with your money.***

There’s no one better to lead this call than Christine Arylo. She’s the popular author of Choosing ME Before WE and the co-creator of the wildly successful 40-Day Fear Cleanse … suffice it to say she knows her stuff when it comes to clearing fear and becoming happy.

We all have a lot of things we could be doing on a Saturday morning … but given the current state of money fear out there, I can think of nothing more important than to be with you all kicking fear out of our bank accounts and bringing the truth about money peace (plus Christine will also send you a recording of the call so you can turn your Money Peace on whenever you need.)

If you are tired of waiting for the day when you can feel peaceful about your $$, this call is for you. Regardless of your situation, you’ll leave this call feeling like a Zen Money master, with tools, techniques and wisdom to set foot on the path to true Money Peace!

Sign up for the call now and become a money miracle maker yourself… more calm and confident about cash than you ever thought possible.

Here are the deets:

Date and time: Saturday, Nov. 12, 9:00 a.m. PST / noon EST

Call-in info: **You’ll get this info once you sign up!**

Who: Christine Arylo and the Money Peace Dream Team  – Reverend Karen Russo, Dr. Margaret Smith, Manisha Thakor and me – check out the website to find out exactly who we are and why you want to jump on the opportunity to join this fear busting conversation. (And don’t forget to check out my Glimpse TV interview with Manisha Thakor below!)

Why: Gain wisdom about your relationship to money and get on the path to Money Peace right now.

P.S. Can’t make the call live? Go here now and sign up anyway to get the recording. Create some ME time this weekend and tune in. You deserve MONEY PEACE of mind.

p.p.s.  No one, including you, should have to wait until the future to feel a sense of serenity about money... I like having nice things as much as anyone else, but honestly, aren’t you over people trying to sell you the secret of how to make a million dollars so you can be happy?

Why should you have to wait til then to feel secure, happy and taken care of. You are worth happiness right now, regardless of your bank account balance.

You deserve money peace right now … tune in Saturday the 12th!

Glimpse TV with Manisha Thakor

And now, I’m so thrilled to present Glimpse TV with women’s personal finance expert and author of Get Financially Naked, Manisha Thakor! I stopped by her gorgeous home in Santa Fe, NM about a month ago, shared a delicious home-cooked meal (not only is she amazing with money, she’s also a great cook!), and had a chat about the “he-cession” and the “she-conomy”, the next HOT commodity we should all be paying attention to, the three things you must be doing with your money, how to talk to your guy about money, and more. Cuddle up with us and get ready to get more intimate with your money!

More Manisha:

Money Zen Blog Facebook Twitter Money Peace call with both of us!

Did you like what you saw? Excited about the Money Peace call? TWEET about it and share the love!

Copy and paste the pre-written Tweets below to Twitter or Facebook to give your sisters a leg up in the money game!

Get financially naked with @katenorthrup and @manishathakor #glimpsetv

The 3 most important things you have to be doing with your money per @manishathakor on #glimpsetv w/ @katenorthrup

How to talk to your man about $ w/ @manishathakor + @katenorthrup on @glimpsetv

What if you didn’t have to wait to have a million dollars in the bank to feel good about your financial status and security?

Turn your freak-out about $money$ into a peace-out about $money$ @Christine Arylo @katenorthrup #fearcleanse

Kick fear out of your bank account today… it’s got no business being there @ChristineArylo @katenorthrup #fearcleanse




  • Julijana

    Love the video! “secular recession”…great concept/term! Looking glorious for “not a morning person!” :-)

    Thanks for sharing!


  • …I’m working on my leaves too! :)

    Kate you are such a fab interviewer….Always make me smile and laugh and you definitely bring the best out in the people you interview. Cool stuff.

    I do hope the Freedom Tour comes to Oz some day!


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