I have to say when I first heard about Laura Roeder’s course Creating Fame I was curious about the title.
In my experience if fame is your primary goal, a lot of other things can go by the wayside like the quality of your work, being of service, and creative expression.
Luckily I know Laura personally I really respect her business acumen, the way she’s grown her brand, and how much practical content and wisdom she puts out into the world. So, I decided to get that girl on Skype and find out what was behind her Creating Fame product.
Tune in to our Glimpse TV episode to find out how online business maven Laura Roeder is turning conventional business wisdom on its head, what’s the most important thing for you to do in order to become an online expert in your field, and how Laura manages to never work at night or on the weekends (what?!).
***Note: The Skype video has a very artistic quality between the framing, lighting, and somewhat frequent video freezing. I’ve always been passionate about combining business with art. Enjoy!***
Here’s the link to Laura’s video on “The Day When Her Worst Fear Ever Came True” that she mentions in our video.
Find out more about Laura’s program for becoming the go-to person in your field: Creating Fame.
Tweet about this to share the love!
Watch this before you get famous: @lkr and @katenorthrup on #GlimpseTV: bit.ly/rGI3xS
What is Creating Fame really about? @lkr and @katenorthrup tell all on #GlimpseTV: http://bit.ly/rGI3xS
Find out how to be the “go-to-person” in your field w/ @lkr + @katenorthrup on #GlimpseTV: http://bit.ly/rGI3xS
More Laura:
www.twitter.com/lkr www.twitter.com/GetTheDash Get The Dash, Laura’s super-practical weekly newsletter for building your biz online.***I'm a very proud affiliate of Creating Fame. ***