These 9 words pretty much sum up how almost every woman I know feels:
Tired of feeling like we have to be it all, do it all, have it all,… perfectly, now, and at the same time.
Aren’t you tired of feeling like there is always more to do, with little to no time and space for you? And although you try to be healthy – get in a yoga class, down a green drink – you still feel stressed out and exhausted more than you feel blissed out and rested. You are not getting what you need because you are so busy giving to everything else.
Ugh! I know I’ve felt this way myself. In fact, just yesterday I was talking to a friend about wanting to complete my editorial calendar for the summer by the end of June. I really wanted to have 10 blog posts pre-written, edited, and scheduled so that I could enjoy a relaxed summer of doing less after the wedding.
She asked me, “Why not 7? Does it have to be 10?” Immediately I realized, “No! It does not have to be 10. My community does not need to hear from me every single week. As long as I check in regularly and am providing something of value, 7 would probably be plenty.”
I don’t know about you but my tendency is always to do a little bit more.
When I’m at the gym I add more weight, do another set, and increase the speed of the treadmill. When I’m working I have a habit of adding projects far more often than taking them off my plate. When I’m with friends and family I ask, “What can I do? What do you need? How can I be of service?”
(I’m well aware that this very tendency in me is why I have to teach and be vigilant about creating freedom. Constant over-doing makes us feel trapped. My default is to do more. So I created a business around freedom to break that habit. We’re going to take a deep dive into what it means to create true freedom at a special, intimate weekend in Maine in October. Click here to learn more.)
Do you find yourself always doing more and almost never choosing to do less?
Over time, doing a little bit more all the time (or a lot more) makes us feel overwhelmed and stressed out.
I recently heard that 1 in 3 women dies of heart disease, and not because we are downing french fries every day, but because of the tremendous amount of pressure on our hearts to take care of so much – people we love, projects we care about, plus our own personal health and happiness – AKA stress!
Obviously this way of living is not working. We need new tools, ones based on ancient wisdom tailored for today’s reality as a 21st century woman… and we also need each other.
This summer there’s a very special gathering of women happening on the evening before Summer Solstice that any woman any where in the world can come to, and I believe you really need to know about it.
It’s called Grace Under Pressure, it’s a free live-stream specifically for women who are sick and tired of feeling so much pressure, living with so much stress, and feeling like no matter how much they do, it’s never quite enough. It’s for women who want more happiness and success without sacrificing themselves any more.
Go HERE to find out more about the special Summer Solstice live-stream event.
The event is really a sacred circle of women from around the world gathering to re-balance their personal giving and receiving scales so we can each take care of what we love, without sacrificing ourselves.
Three women I adore – Christine Arylo, Kristine Carlson, and Shiloh McCloud – lead these super power rituals on the Solstices because of the power that this time period specifically provides. It’s a time of pausing and reflecting… to shine the light on what you REALLY want to put your energy towards the rest of this year, instead of pressuring yourself to do it all.
What I love about these three is how they weave together decades of leading women’s circles in powerful and fun ways, no matter what your spiritual background or experience is, combining divine feminine wisdom, intentional creativity, self-love, song, poetry and dance.
Here’s what’s in store for this Summer Solstice:
- RELEASE the pressure points and stress factors draining your energy time and happiness. You are going to love this simple process for helping you ferret out where the biggest pressure points are that you actually have control over (it will surprise you and free you!)
- REPLENISH your personal chalice – put an end to OVER giving and start receiving. Get your personal scales back in balance so you can GIVE and RECEIVE more equally and keep yourself full.
- CREATE MORE SPACE for yourself without having to find more time, or feel guilty. Using proprietary Intentional Creativity techniques based on quantum physics and ancient feminine wisdom, you will change the ‘field’ you operate from so you can actually take care of more without having to deplete yourself.
- RE-FOCUS YOUR ENERGY on what matters most, and gain the grace to say No to what doesn’t. You’ll go through a powerful process to identify what really matters and gain the self-love and faith to release the rest. You will FEEL grace on this day so you can draw from grace when you need it again. What is so special is that this live-stream sacred circle is a gift from their heart to yours, totally free and even if you can’t make it live, they will send you a link to view it over the weekend.
Go HERE to save your space and take a stand for making space for yourself!
Here’s the truth: I know that you love the people and projects you give your energy to, but sometimes, don’t you feel like you just want throw your hands up, pack your bags, get on plane to Bora Bora and say “I QUIT!”?
It’s crazy the pressure cooker we live in, and the stress we are under… We’ve got to find some space. Some things have to come off your plate. It’s time to take care of yourself as well as – and perhaps even better than – you are taking care of everything else.
That’s not selfish. It’s smart. We don’t have to sacrifice our happiness or health or success for the happiness of others. Everyone knows when women are happy, everyone is happy! Plus, when we take exquisite care of ourselves, we can be more present for others in our lives. So really, taking care of yourself is as much an act of love for you as it is for the rest of the planet.
One parting note – in case your mind is saying to you that you don’t have time to do something like this: You have to make money, take care of the kids, get things done. What I have found is that I cannot afford NOT to take the space for myself during these sacred times like Solstice because the wisdom I gain when I disconnect from my busy mind and busy life and connect instead to my inner wisdom, the divine, and other women provides me with insight that makes me more productive, profitable and peaceful. (Yep. Investing time in yourself in this way will actually make you more money over time.)
Join this special free Summer Solstice Gathering – click HERE.
P.S. Women are more powerful when we support each other, so invite a woman you love to join you! Just forward her this post and invite her to attend this ritual with you from her home, or even invite her over if possible. The ritual will be interactive, so you will be able to interact online with women from around the world.
Forward this post to a woman and save a heart today or share the poster to your left on your Facebook or Instagram!
We only launched the event a week ago and already 1/3 of the spots have been snatched up. If you’re thinking of coming I would recommend acting sooner rather than later. Learn more and register HERE.