The first time I remember thinking I was fat I was seven years old. Can you relate? How old were you?
It’s twenty years later now, and it still makes me sad to recall the long and emotional journey I’ve had with food, my body, and my weight. I spent tons of time and energy worrying about what I was or wasn’t eating, how much I was or wasn’t exercising, and how much I weighed throughout my middle school, high school, and college years.
I was in a nearly constant state of judgment and disapproval of my body. I craved sugar and other unhealthy carbs. I ate late into the night. I didn’t know what to do about it other than exercising more and more or starving myself, and I often hated my body.
I suspect you can relate.
The holidays are a particularly scary time when you’re already feeling uncomfortable about your body, and facing serious cravings.
My pattern used to be to start with the Halloween candy and continue my sugar and carbohydrates rampage until my last glass of champagne on New Year’s Eve. I would wake up in the New Year feeling fat, ugly, guilty, and disappointed in myself (not to mention the fact that my jeans wouldn’t button and the scale would read at least seven pounds heavier than I had been when fall began.)
I don’t do that anymore. You know why? Because I used a program that solved my eating and weight problems. This year I’ll be flitting through the holiday season feeling happy, thin, and free.
I’m writing this because I want every woman on this planet to experience the freedom from debilitating cravings and body hatred that I finally found. And I’ve developed a program to deliver exactly that. Yes!
Starting on Monday, November 29th I’ll be coaching an exclusive group of 12 women who are ready to stop feeling controlled by food and their weight and start feeling happy, thin, and free this holiday season.
It starts with a 5-day carb cleanse. Then I’ll hold your hand throughout the rest of 2011 as you implement proven strategies for getting rid of your carb cravings for good – yes, once and for all – and letting go of unwanted pounds.
Imagine this….you wake up on January 1, 2011 five to ten pounds lighter with a metabolism that’s a fat-burning machine. Feels good, right? You can do this.
The cut off date to enroll in “The Last 10 Pounds Program” is Monday, November 22nd. Email me now at if you’re interested. Here’s to feeling happy, thin, and free this holiday season…and forever more!