How to go from having enough to having more than enough: Glimpse TV with Barbara Stanny

Barbara Stanny is the world’s leading expert on women and wealth. And I’m profoundly grateful to call her a friend and mentor.

Reading her book Overcoming Underearning and taking her workshop by the same name (three times!) were among the greatest influences on my journey to becoming debt-free.

There are three stages of wealth, Barbara says:

Instability: Not having enough.

Stability: Having enough.

Affluence: Having more than enough.

What’s really interesting is that for women, she says, once they’ve reached financial stability, they’re rarely motivated to make more money. Moving from stability to affluence requires feeling drawn by something bigger and the opportunity to be of service. Barbara calls this “the call to greatness.”

In her new book, Sacred Success: A Course in Financial Miracles, Barbara outlines the four stages of Sacred Success and how to navigate the journey from stability to affluence.

I got a chance to read an early copy of the book back in May, and I gobbled it up practically in one sitting.

Here’s something Barbara shares that made me raise my eyebrows:

twitter_standingWomen’s problems with money have far less to do with money than they do with their ambivalence about power. (Tweet It!)

Whoa Nelly! How true that has been in my own life, and I’ve heard the same from thousands of women who I’ve talked to about their financial lives.

I have wanted to host Barbara on Glimpse TV since the show was born. And apparently now is the perfect time because I feel like she wrote Sacred Success for me (and of course for all the other women out there who want to know how to heed the call to greatness, whatever that means to them).

In this episode Barbara shares:

  • The most common drug of choice for women and how to break our insidious addiction.
  • Our two power sources and how to determine which one to plug into.
  • The most important thing we need to do to hear the voice of our soul.
  • Why she’s finally coming out of the spiritual closet and why it’s so terrifying.
  • What fear and money have to do with each other.
  • A revolutionary approach to money that almost no one is talking about.

Click the image below to watch this very special episode of Glimpse TV:

Please share this episode with all of the women in your life within whom you see the spark of greatness.

Click HERE to get yourself a copy of Sacred Success: A Course in Financial Miracles.

Click HERE to find out about upcoming Sacred Success Retreats.

Click HERE to read my post from last week about how to clear up the discrepancy between what you say you want and what you’re actually getting, which was inspired by my work with Stanny.

Over to you:

What’s one way that you can create more stillness in your life so that you can hear the voice of your soul more clearly? I’m asking because this is what I’m focusing on, and I’d love to hear your ideas! Please leave a comment below.



  • I LOVE this!!!!! I can’t wait to have this book in my hands. Xoxo

  • Oooo what a juicy way to begin a beautiful Sunday morning, thank you, Kate! I just wrote recently on my blog about the 2nd step you mention from Stanny’s teaching, which is surrender. I have had a lot of stillness in my life, and as you mentioned, I felt that I needed to be busy in order to feel complete or valuable. It was through that hard lesson of unplanned free time that I realized, I can trust this process more deeply. My mantra has been “I let myself win when I surrender and trust my life to unfold.” I am linking to what I wrote because I just love when I remember there is such synchronicity in our collective wise women thoughts. We are all connected! I am filled with gratitude.

  • What a GREAT show!! I love you both and am so excited to read this book!!

  • With kids and a humming crazy household, I find a hot Epson salt bath with some nice essential oils forces me to the Presence of silence. Sometimes I find myself at first feeling anxious, as if I want to get out. But if I breathe deeply past and through that anxious moment I can surrender to my Silence and truly listen to my soul. Great question!

  • Priscilla

    I love this interview!!! It came at the most perfect time! I am just starting the Course in Miracles at the same time as my very first business and have been beating myself up for not “being as productive as I can be.” Yet in my heart I know that I am moving at the perfect pace as I take time to do the deep inner healing I intuitively know needs to happen first. Sometimes I feel like a crazy woman, literally arguing with myself out loud. Thank you for the distinction between the Soul & the Ego. It helps me be more compassionate towards my Ego – which I was starting to feel was my own worst enemy. It’s defense mechanisms did work for me in the past, but I have out grown those and need to learn how to step into my power, and accept the fear that comes with it. Just last night in my journal I wrote, “it’s like I’m on a roller coaster, and reaching the top before the big drop. Exciting and terrifying, but I LOVE roller coasters. Strap in, arms up and scream as loud as I can! It’s gonna be a fun and thrilling ride!” Awesome!!!

  • Great episode, thanks for sharing Stanny’s message with us all! I find I can hear my heart’s voice most clearly when I meditate, and over the past couple years I have been taking steps to answer my heart’s call–to teach the tools of mindfulness to others (kids especially!). And now it’s real, and it’s incredible how the abundance continues to flow when I act out of this love. I’m offering free guided meditations each day for the month of October teaching an introduction to mindfulness meditation. Have a look and feel free to join me!

  • I love it. I have some books to buy and I’ll put her book on my list. Thanks for sharing.

  • I read Secrets Of $100,000 Women almost 10 years ago and was immediately blessed with financial miracles. Since then I’ve been singing Barbara Stanny’s praises to everyone. Just last year I began to study A Course In Miracles and my life was once again blessed with unexpected abundance. What a thrill it is to learn today that Barbara is also a student of ACIM. I had no idea! Lots of woo-woo up in here.

  • This is delicious!!

    I have been doing the 40-day practice from The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price and it is changing me from the inside out.

    Lovely unfolding. Thank you so much.

  • I find stillness through movement! I love an early morning dance party in my kitchen, a deep, sweaty spin class or a sweet flow of breath centered yoga. Only then can I truly pause enough to hear what my soul has to say. When I do sit and find the quiet…(early morning before my family wakes up, candle lit, hot tea waiting in the wings)…I breathe into the space in front of my spine and behind my heart…I focus on this location in my body and ask for guidance, pray in gratitude, whatever feels nourishing for the moment. Gratitude to you Kate, for your work and for sharing Stanny’s work with us. xo C.

  • So if I’m just starting out with Barbara’s work should I begin with her Overcoming Under – Earning THEN read Sacred Success? I want them both. Now. PS – I talk about your baby, MALS, in my post this week. Loved it. <3

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