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Getting Really Really Real with Cheryl Richardson: Glimpse TV

Last week I had the pleasure of enjoying an intimate chat with Cheryl Richardson while perched on her bed at the W Hotel in Union Square. We laughed. We sang. We talked a lot about dancing. I was inspired to interview her because of her newest book, which she wrote in collaboration with the legendary Louise Hay, You Can Create an Exceptional Life. The book follows a series of conversations between these two incredible women over a year and gives you many precious glimpses into both of their exceptional lives.

Cheryl basically put life coaching on the map and is a world-renowned speaker, author, and coach. My favorite of her books is The Art of Extreme Self-Care (pay special attention to the chapters “You’re So Sensitive” and “Let Me Disappoint You”.) Louise Hay is one of the pioneers of the personal growth industry, making waves with her first book You Can Heal Your Life, and going on to found a publishing company, Hay House, which is the top inspirational and self-help publishing house in the world. You can imagine what incredible wisdom ended up in You Can Create an Exceptional Life with this dynamic duo co-authoring it.

Go get your copy of the book and then tune in for my chat with Cheryl where you’ll learn about the triathlon of self-care, what’s difficult for Cheryl that she’s learned to accept about herself, how to give yourself the freedom to not have it together, the best source of wisdom that most people don’t take the time for, the surprising place where Cheryl got her best speaking training early in her career, and more. Plus, stay tuned until the end for a special duet between Cheryl and me that you won’t want to miss!

For more Cheryl visit and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.


  • I’d never heard of Cheryl until now! Thanks for another awesome episode of glimpse Kate. I’m going to have to get my hands on The art of Extreme Self Care…it’s right where I am at in this moment. And You can create an exceptional life sounds delicious!! My book collection is expanding – even after the big cleanout I did with Bindu’s Shed Project…

    BIg love, Susana xo

  • What a fun interview! Great to hear from Cheryl in this fun/friendly context, to hear that she loves SYTYCD (I also DVR every show and cry over), to hear her say the words “scared shitless” (because her voice is always so polished and eloquent it’s funny to hear her curse), and of course – your duet. Another great GlimpseTV episode!

  • This is fantastic! You guys seemed to be having such a lovely time together, and I loved how transparent Cheryl was. Also, I love that she lives in a Gothic house – you know I love that style, too. Excellent questions, too, Kate. You were adorable, as always.

  • Thank you so much for this great interview! I’m going to hear Cheryl speak on Monday here in London for the first time and this was such a great way get an idea of what she i all about. I’d love to know what the Elanor Programme is that Cheryl referrers to, my google search has been unsuccessful? Really inspired by how you choose to live your life Kate.

  • just so you know..I watch all yer stuff. xoxo

  • My favorite part of the interview is that Cheryl still has to talk to herself every time she drives to dance class. Our mind will always stop us from accomplishing our goals and we have to fight our own mind. Love it. Plus you look so cute!!

  • Loved this exchange and totally diggin’ the new hair! xo

  • Hey, Kate! I love this interview! Love Cheryl. Love you. Love that I discovered you at Cheryl & Reid’s Movers and Shakers. (Not that you needed to be discovered.)

    You’ve given us a real glimpse into Cheryl-casual, and my favorite part is where she looks at the camera and says “Not gonna happen”. The singing, too. Your warmth, down-to-earthiness, and infectious laughter bring out the best in people. Keep doing what you’re doing!

  • I love watching all your interviews. Such interesting people and info. I’m going to the bookstore today to pick up the Extreme Art of Self Care, it sounds great. Keep up the great work.

  • I love Cheryl and I love you-great interview!

  • Another great episode of Glimpse TV…keep them coming!

  • Cynthia

    Am reading Exceptional Life right now…love the book, love Cheryl, love Louise, love you, this is great!

  • Kate…I simply ADORE you! AND Cheryl! This was such a sweet, genuine, and authentic conversation. You made us feel like we were in your home:-)! Thank you! And I remember the first time I met Cheryl at an I Can Do It and she was in her work out clothes as well! LOVE THAT! Miss you girl and hope to see you in LA soon. I am following you and am so so proud and inspired by all that you do. I want to jump through the screen and give you a BIG HUG AND KISS!

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