Bringing the stars down to Earth with Ophira Edut

Guess what?! Glimpse TV is back! I know it’s been forever since an episode has come out and I wish I had a good reason but I don’t. I’ll leave it at that and simply say that I’m really psyched to share today’s episode with you!

I was blessed to meet Ophira (aka Ophi) Edut in the live Fire Starter Session we attended back in the day when Danielle LaPorte was still doing these small, intimate gatherings. Our NYC group stuck together continuing to stoke one another’s flames for a good year after the initial meeting and Ophi and I formed a sweet friendship as a result.

For whatever bizarro reason, this is Ophi and my third attempt at an interview for Glimpse TV. Erased hard drives, bad timing, and weird lighting all contributed to waiting this long to experience the Divine Ms. Ophira Edut on my fair online talk show.

But today is the day! I’m thrilled to (finally) share Ophi’s wisdom, humor, depth of knowledge, passion for the stars, and adorable Detroit accent with you. Ophi has been studying astrology for over twenty years and she has some gems for you, so be sure to tune in.

During today’s episode of Glimpe TV you’ll learn:

  • why astrology can be a great gauge for timing events in your life
  • why human beings actually do come with user’s manuals
  • how to use the instructions you came with for optimizing your life potential
  • how astrology can actually be a profound tool for freedom instead of limiting you to some sort of pre determinism
  • about the 3 year span in everyone’s life that sometimes feels like hell but leaves you for the better
  • how to use astrology to become more curious about people instead of trying to make them more like you want them to be

During the video we talk about a really fun class that I’ll be taking with Ophi and her twin sister Tali being offered through Hay House every Monday in October (there’s 5 of ’em) called Becoming Your Own Astrologer. Watch the interview and then click below the video to join me in class!

Click here to sign up for Becoming Your Own Astrologer

To find out more about Ophi and the AstroTwins, visit Don’t forget to sign up for their free weekly astrological updates. I read them every single Sunday night as part of my preparation for a cosmically aligned week.


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