Do you want to know something kind of freaky?
The vast majority of the things we do all day every day are habits. That means they’re unconscious. And that means we’re not really thinking about almost everything we do every day.
Crazy pants.
But guess what else that means? If we consciously choose and create habits that will lead to the kind of life we want, we’re golden!
This principle applies to our financial lives just as much as to our lives in general. We do things unconsciously day in and day out that are either making us wealthy or keeping us broke.
If you want to create an abundant life, financially and otherwise, you’ve got to do things every day that will result in abundance.
But what if you aren’t aware of the financial habits you already have that are keeping you stuck?
Luckily, I’ve identified the top 3 habits that might be keeping you in debt, with no savings, in financial avoidance, or [insert alternative kind of financial stuckness here].
And since it’s Financial Freedom Friday I’m going to reveal what these 3 habits are in today’s video. Plus, I’m going to give you habits to replace your bad habits with so that you can get on the road to financial peace and well-being . . . stat.
Watch the video below to get unstuck and learn how to break your habits.
If you liked the video, share the #MoneyLove!
Top 3 things you do that keep you financially stuck: #FFF w/ @katenorthrup (Tweet it!)
Over to you:
What financial habits do you have that you’d like to replace? What new habits will you replace them with?